Mystic Waters Fly Fishing's custom fly tying patterns for Alaska Salmon, Trout, Dolly Varden, and Steelhead
Let me know where and when you are planning to fish and I will put together a selection of productive patterns. I have developed some very special flies that have proven themselves on Alaskan fish. Prices are negotiable and based on quantity and pattern.
I have designed special patterns for the following species. King Salmon Silver Salmon Sockeye Salmon Rainbow Trout Dolly Varden Steelhead I can also recommend and tie standard proven patterns.
Contact Mystic Waters for details.
Buying flies from a catalog or local fly shop will likely provide you with some good-looking general flies. They may not be the best pattern or even an effective pattern for the actual conditions you experience. They will not provide you with the details of when, where and how to use them. Custom flies are guide tested and selected for Alaskan waters. Note: If you are planning a trip to the Kenai River and not hiring a guide, then you need some of these flies. If you are planning a remote float trip, you will need lots of flies.
Contact Mystic Waters.