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Fly Fishing Alaska
Kenai River Fish

Kenai River Fish
A typical Kenai River Rainbow The Fish
Seasons and details at a glance.

RAINBOW TROUT (Catch and Release Only)
Range in size from 10" to over 30"
Average sizes are 14" to 22" with bigger fish most common later in the season
The longest released by one of my guests was 36" Available June 11- October.

DOLLY VARDEN (Catch and Release Only)
What the heck are they? They are Char. In fishing terms, they are like trout. Average sizes slightly smaller than rainbows. The biggest caught by one of my guests was 32". Available June 11- October.

SOCKEYE (RED) SALMON (Limits from 3-6 per day) There are two runs of Reds that we fish. The first run Reds are bound for the Russian River. We catch them starting June 11 for about 3 weeks in the Kenai River before they move up the Russian to their spawning areas. The second run Reds are primarily spawners in the main stem Kenai River. They run from mid July-mid August and are spawning in the Kenai into October. Sockeye are silver when they arrive from the ocean (good to eat) and then transform to red (not good to eat) as they near spawning. They range from 4-12lbs with the average running about 8lbs.

SILVER (COHO) SALMON (Limit 2 per day)
There are two runs of silvers but for fishing purposes, they are available from early August-Sept 30. They range from 6-20lbs with the average size being about 10lbs.

PINK (HUMPBACK) SALMON (Limit 6 per Day)
While Pink Salmon are not known as a favorite angling species, when they run, they can provide fast action. When they are silver, they are good eating. Otherwise, we release them. Pinks run every other year (even numbers) in the Kenai. They are available late July-early September.

KING (CHINOOK) SALMON - Lower Kenai and Kasilof River Only (Limit 1 per day)
There are two runs of kings, but for fishing purposes, they are available from mid May-July 31. There may be an extension into the first week of August, but it will not be announced until the last week of July. Kings range from 10-90lbs, with Kenai averages of 30-45lbs and Kasilof averages of 15-25lbs.

Kenai Rainbows are our favorite!
Male Dolly in Fall Color Phase A male "Dolly Varden" showing fall colors
A typical August Silver Salmon. A "Chromer" Silver Salmon, sight fished to the fly.
Sockeye are fun and excellent table fare.
Male Sockeye in spawning dress
Male Pink Salmon "Humpy"
Three arms needed. Three hands are needed to hoist this Kenai King. Although larger than average, Kings like this 66# male are taken regularly.
Sight Fishing Rewards A stealthy approach awards Eric with a big rainbow.
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P.O. Box 791, Cooper Landing, Alaska, 99572, US
phone:  907-227-0549

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