Preamble ASTA has the following categories of membership: Travel Agency, Travel Professional, International, International Travel Professional, Allied Company, Allied Associate, Travel School, Senior, and Future Travel Professional. Responsibilities of All Travel Agency, Travel Professional, International Travel Agency and International Travel Professional Members:
2. Disclosure. ASTA members will provide in writing, upon written request, complete details about the cost, restrictions, and other terms and conditions, of any travel service sold, including cancellation and service fee policies. Full details of the time, place, duration, and nature of any sales or promotional presentation the consumer will be required to attend in connection with his/her travel arrangements shall be disclosed in writing before any payment is accepted. 3. Responsiveness. ASTA members will promptly respond to their clients'complaints. 4. Refunds. ASTA members will remit any undisputed funds under their control within the specified time limit. Reasons for delay in providing funds will be given to the claimant promptly. 5. Cooperation. ASTA members will cooperate with any inquiry conducted by ASTA to resolve any dispute involving consumers or another member. 6. Confidences. ASTA members will not use improperly obtained client lists or other confidential information obtained from an employee's former employer. 7. Confidentiality. ASTA members will treat every client transaction confidentially and not disclose any information without permission of the client, unless required by law. 8. Affiliation. ASTA members will not falsely represent a person's affiliation with their firm. 9. Conflict of Interest. ASTA members will not allow any preferred relationship with a supplier to interfere with the interests of their clients. 10. Compliance. ASTA members shall abide by all federal, state and local laws and regulations.
2. Delivery. ASTA members operating tours will provide all components as stated in their brochure or written confirmation, or provide alternate services of equal or greater value, or provide appropriate compensation. 3. Credentials. An ASTA member shall not, in exchange for money or otherwise, provide travel agent credentials to any person as to whom there is no reasonable expectation that the person will engage in a bona fide effort to sell or manage the sale of travel services to the general public on behalf of the member through the period of validity of such credentials. This principle applies to the ASTA member and all affiliated or commonly controlled enterprises Adherence to the Principles of the Code of Ethics signifies competence, fair dealing and high integrity. Failure to adhere to this Code may subject a member to disciplinary actions, as set forth in ASTA's Bylaws. |
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