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Welcome to Tumi Music
You have arrived at the leading website and record label for Latin American and Caribbean music. Tumi Music is the result of almost 20 years of travelling, eating, sharing and living in Latin America. It gives us great pleasure to be able to share with you through music some of these moments and to explore the cultural heritage of this rich continent. We pride ourselves on promoting with enthusiasm and foresight, popular, new and traditional music as well as forms of music which were previously unknown.

Please use the buttons on the left to look through our extensive on-line catalogue. Audio samples from some of our albums are also available from our audio catalogue. All albums are priced at £10.95 unless otherwise stated.

What's new? (Last updated 02.02.05)

Yusa 'Breathe' - New album out April 2005!

See more info and photos of Yusa

Visit Yusa's website

Candido Fabre on tour Summer 2005! See more info about Candido

New release! Felix Baloy y su Cuban Son All Stars - Un Poquito De Fe

New DVD release! Yusa Live at Ronnie Scott's

See more info and photos of Yusa

Visit Yusa's website




Cuban Music from A-Z by Helio Orovio. The World's First Dictionary Of Cuban Music available to buy at More...




Refugio Fini Chico : A paradise in Santiago, Chile! A new venture run by Mo Fini of Tumi Music, this beautiful home in unspoilt Santagio, Chile, boasts its own swimming pool, solar powered electricity, swimming pool and a retreat from the world. Take that break you deserve!

Felix Baloy, Son 14, Elio Reve, are our latest featured artists.


SON 14 - Fuego en la Maya TUMI118 OUT NOW!

£10.95 TUMI118

Tumi Music presents the third release of Son 14, one of Latin America's finest big bands. Known as 'the maestroes of son', Son 14 celebrate their silver anniversary with 'Fuego en la Maya', a striking example of high octane son from a tight precision band. Founded by Adalberto Alvarez and vocalist 'Tiburon' Morales, as invincible and witty as ever, the group is at the forefront of raditional big band son.
Click here to read more about this release.

DANAE - Pido - TUMI115

£10.95 TUMI115

Formerly a singer with the group 5U4 ("U-turn" TUMI CD058), Danae’s debut solo album is produced by the renowned Joaquin Betancourt and features some of the top musicians in Cuba today.

These jazzy tones offer a feisty new take on ‘salsa romantica’, bringing the genre firmly into the 21st century by offering a sophisticated view of the complexities of love. Danae’s music comes from a special group of musicians drawn from Cuba’s top orchestras from La Charanga Habanera and Cubanísmo to Buena Vista Social Club.


£10.95 TUMI114

"With the vibrant energy of a sparkling new generation of Cuban musicians David Alvarez and Juego de Manos offer irresistible songs to dance to with the infectious sounds of the Caribbean rippling through them." (Jan Fairley)
Click here to read more about this release.


£10.95 TUMI113

A unique ‘Crossing-Borders’ collaboration between two of the most respected artists from Cuba and Chile. Mauricio Venegas was a former member of popular 80s group INCANTATION and directs his own group QUIMANTU who have performed all over the world. Efrain Rios is a founder of the Nueva Trova song movement. A supremely gifted multi-instrumentalist, singer, composer, song writer and arranger, he has toured and recorded with many of the leading figures of Cuban music.


£10.95 TUMI112

YUSA - Yusa - TUMI112
"Listening to the bitter-sweet lyrics of new Cuban singer YUSA and the simple sophistication of her music one knows one is finally hearing 21st century Cuba. Her cutting-edge songs map the contemporary emotional lives of urban Havana. Fused inside her music are traces from further afield, from iconclastic jazz and rock to today's Brazil. Full of the vital energy of experimentation and the textures of musical exchange gained in intimate venues, Yusa offers a whole new way of hearing Cuba." (Jan Fairley)
Click here to read more about this release.


£10.95 TUMI110

This new band was set up by four legendary Bolivian musicians, all ex-founding members of the group Rumillajta, first recorded by TUMI in 1984. Their music is a combination of original compositions and arrangements from all over Latin America. The musicians are: Edgar Villarroel, Adrian Villanueva, Juan Carlos Cordero and Saul Callejas with Fernando JimŽnez and Windsor Chac—n as special guests.

This album is the third in a four part Andean Special Project. Click here to find out more.


£10.95 TUMI107
Bana Congo  
Kin Havane

Tumi Music have launched a new project called 'Crossing-Borders' featuring traditional musicians from around the globe in unusual and provocative combinations. The first release, 'BANA CONGO' (TUMI107) by the legendary figures, Papa Noel (Congo) and Papi Oviedo (Cuba) has just been released and the resp-onse from the world music press has been extremely positive indeed!
They will also be touring Europe this summer with a full live band in supprt of this release.
Click here to read to visit Papa & Papi's special feature page.

Tumi Music are pround to present a unique collection of top New York titles from the legendary New York label RMM. We also have a new exclusive collection of Salsa titles from French label Edenways.

Copyright © 2003 Tumi Music Ltd,

Read about Tumi's publishing wing - and discover a rich catalogue of Latin-American music.

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Read all about our new special project 'Crossing-Borders'.

A selection of tracks from many of our albums can be heard on our audio catalogue.


World Wide Web Tumi Music

If you or your organisation would like to link websites with Tumi Music please email us at

Tumi are also the leading name in Latin American arts & crafts. From Mexican pottery to hammocks and Panama hats, our entire catalogue is available on-line at

Our secure online ordering system makes orderinggfrom Tumi Music easy. All the items in this catalogue can be purchased securely online and are delivered by post . Browse our shop by using the links at the side of the page and add items to your 'Shopping Basket' by clicking the 'order' button as you go. You can add or remove an item at any time. Use the 'Check Order' link in the bottom right corner to make a final payment or to check your shopping basket. All sensitive data is encrypted using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL).

RefugioFiniChico.Com: A paradise in Santiago, Chile! A new venture run by Mo Fini of Tumi Music, this beautiful home in unspoilt Santagio, Chile, boasts its own swimming pool, solar powered electricity, swimming pool and a retreat from the world. Take that break you deserve!

All major cards accepted

Contact Tumi Music:

8/9 New Bond Street Place, Bath. UK.
Tumi Music tel: +44(0)1225 464736

Tumi Music fax: +44 (0) 1225 444 870

Updated September 2003
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