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SEO Book by Aaron Wall
I believe that anyone, from SEO "experts" to newbies, to anyone with an interest in what it takes to get traffic, will walk away from this book with some of what I'd consider the most valuable information in the world.Personally I took notes, and explored eneough web sites through reading your book, that gained me some great ideas and knowledge for specific things I should/could be doing to futher my optimization efforts. - Jim ---------------------------------------------------
The Essential Best Practice Guide by Mike Grehan
If you're serious about learning about Search Engine Optimization, than Mike Grehan's book is Required reading...Required. This is advanced level information about search engines including the "Why's" and "How's" of the inner workings of search engines. Mike follows these up with some of the most amazing and enlightening interviews with the people behind the rankings - most notabely the engineers at the search engines). Though this is Advanced Information, it's written in an easy to understand language that's very entertaining. - Jim $30 off and Free Upgrade to the third addition!

Eric Ward, Detlev Johnson, and Mike Grehan 2003 |

Barry lloyd (MakeMeTop), Mike Grehan, Rob Murray (iProspect) 2004 |
Search Engine Fast Start by Dan Theis
One of the best SEO Books of all-time. It's been required reading for all of our own employees. You should read it too! - Jim
Search Engine Fast Start -----Jim Boykin and Dan Theis
"A Simple Step-by-Step guide to top rankings!"
The most important aspect of any Search Engine Optimization campaign, is to choose the BEST keywords. Ususally the "best" are those that have high traffic, and are the most Relevant. Choosing keywords is always the first step in any plan involving search engine traffic. I can not stress the relevance of the folling quote eneough:
"Target the wrong keywords and all
your efforts will be in vain."
Brett Winters of WebPostitonGold
Our favorite program for analyzing keywords is WordTracker. We personally stop at stage 2 in wordtracker and analyze those numbers only as a popularity comparision tool. But this is the most important tool in our toolbox. Everything Starts with WordTracker. - Jim
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GoTop Link Exchange
Link Explore
LinkShare Referral Prg

Instant Position's SEO Doctor Jim and Dave Carberry from Instant Position
OptiLink - The Ultimate Link Analyzer
Lets you Spy on the masters of the internet
LinkSurvey Coming soon (RegNow)
Zeus Internet Marketing Robot - Automatic Reciprocal Link Generator and Link Directory Creator
PR Prowler
Total Optimizer Pro SEO Tool
Anchor Wizard
Search Engine Commando
Trellain SEO Tool Kit
SEO Elite
Site All for Froogle Feeds
SpyderTrax - Installation: Google Trax / Spyder Trax installation
Internet Marketing Services
Pay Per Click Tools - PPC Programs
Keyword Analyzer

Google Cash by Chris Carpenter
Lots of good ideas. I especially liked his section on copy writing and recommend it to everyone just trying to sell things for the first time.
21 Ways to Maximize Your ROI by Andrew Goodman
AdWord Analyzer
Mastering AdWords
Non Internet Marketing Related