"A free copy of your Equifax credit report will give you a complete profile of information about your credit history. Recent surveys have confirmed a long-held suspicion that, on average, one in every 4 credit reports contain erroneous information. That's information about you!"
Just a couple of little mistakes could amount to virtually thousands of dollars of pain in interest alone.
The good news? These mistakes can be removed with one phone call. The law is on your side, but it's up to you to know the facts -- and use them accordingly.
Want to take control of your credit?
Order your free Equifax credit report today!
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Once you've obtained the report, you will need to be able to read between the lines. Our credit guide will allow you to identify discrepancies and help you stay on top of your credit.
You will have the ability to dispute these discrepancies so that they can be removed immediately. If you're ever faced with a situation that's unique, you may get assistance from a knowledgeable customer support representative.