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Saltwater Fishing

Welcome Sportsmen to FinTalks Sportsmen's Business Directory for saltwater fishing goods and services that cater specifically to you, the outdoor saltwater sportsman! Offering everything for saltwater sportsman and his or her favorite outdoor recreational sporting activity. Book saltwater fishing charters or saltwater guides for inshore bottom fishing trips or find an offshore sportfishing or billfishing charter boat for tuna or marlin adventures. The business listings aren't just for finding salt water charter boats or guides either as you can find many other saltwater fishing and outdoor sports related services and products. Taxidermy, outboard motor repair services, lodging for sportsmen are just a few of the businesses that list or will be listing in our sportsmans resource listings. Although the FinTalk outdoors directory for sportsmen is a relatively new service new resources are being added as the word gets out and our service grows. If you don't see what you are looking for at current rest assured that it will be here in the future.

Saltwater Fishing Charters

Saltwater Fishing Charters categorized by state for ease of search. Simply go to the search page and click on your state or the state for which you are searching for a saltwater fishing charter.  Featuring reputable, experienced, and professional saltwater fishing charters for most coastal regions. New charters being added soon.

Saltwater Guides, Taxidermists, Recreational Businesses

Looking for saltwater guides, tackle, lodging for a trip, boats and boating services? You are in the right place to find these services and many others. We currently have not added these businesses to the directory because we are waiting until the directory is 100% complete. Once we have the FinTalk Sportsmens Directory completely finished we will add the complete listing of businesses that have decided to advertise in the directory. Please be patient and stay tuned!


Offshore saltwater fishing chartersSaltwater Fishing Charters for Tuna, Marlin, and many species of billfish and other gamefish for many saltwater regions like The Outer Banks, Virginia Beach, Florida, Hawaii, and Gulf of Mexico.
Saltwater Guides including personal fishing guides for flounder, stripers, bonefishing and other species.


Marine and boating stores offer boat accessories, gear, and extras.

New & Used Boats

Boats, pleasure boats, new or used boat dealers.

Personal Watercraft

Jet skis, snowmobiles, motorcycles etc.

Marinas & Launches

Boat ramps, bait, tackle at a marina near you. featured business directory for sportsmen!

Fishing Gear

Tackle, custom rods, rodnreel combos, deep sea gear.

Training - Kennels 

Kennels for pets, hunting dogs, trainers.

Hunting Guides

Hunting guides, huning trips and vacations.

Dive Services

Diving lessons, dive gear, spear fishing, diving charters.


Quick and easy category based browsing in 7 Top Listings

Fishing Charters (4)
Fishing Charts (1)
Taxidermy (1)
Websites (1)







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Fintalk Featured Businesses With 7 Top Listings
Fishing Charters (4)
Fishing Charts (1)
Taxidermy (1)
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