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Contracts with Kids discuss and set up rules for computer use.

Time Limiting limits time online.

Filtering & Blocking limits access to some sites, words, and/or images.

Block Outgoing Content prevents kids from revealing personal information online.

Browsers for Kids do not display inappropriate words or images.

Kid-Oriented Search Engines perform limited searches or screen search results.

Monitoring Tools alert adults to online activity without blocking access.

There are both pros and cons to keep in mind when using these types of tools.

Please Note: GetNetWise staff gathered this information from the companies that make these tools. We cannot guarantee the effectiveness of these products, nor do we endorse any products.

Other Information

How ISPs are Helping -- Many Internet and online service providers also offer safety solutions by selling or including these tools with their services and adopting "Acceptable Use Policies", or "Terms of Service Agreements".

Web Ratings Systems -- Many companies that produce Web sites voluntarily rate and label their sites, using a system knows as "PICS" (Platform for Internet Content Selection).

Internet Issues in the Community -- When children use the Internet in school or in a library, their experiences will be different than when they are at home. Libraries and schools may have different rules for Internet use than your family, because they must serve the needs of diverse children and families.

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Home / Tools for Families

Tools for Families

There are many tools available that parents can employ to guide their children to safe and rewarding online experiences. There are also many different types of tools that may fit your family's needs and values. There are a lot to choose from. Here are some tips for choosing the tool or tools that are right for your family.

First: Check with your ISP or online service provider.

Chances are that your ISP or online service provider offers tools that you can use to protect your children while they are online. Most ISPs offer discounted rates for child safety software and some online service providers provide child safety features as part of the service. Check with your ISP to see what options and recommendations they provide. Here is a list of some of the child safety tools offered by responsible ISPs. Child Safety Options from Leading ISPs.

Second: Try these popular tool searches.

There are several types of tools that are most searched for by GetNetWise users. Below, are some predefined searches for tools that users ask for most often. Search for tools that ...

Third: Query the full tools database.

You can enter your own search terms in the GetNetWise Tools for Families database. The database allows you to tailor your search with many variables such as specific operating systems (e.g. mac, windows, linux), types of content (e.g. sexually explicit, hate, violent), and type of technology (e.g. Web, instant messaging, peer-to-peer). You'll be surprised at how many choices there are. See below.

Find Tools for Your Family

Or check the box(es) next to the functions you want.
What the tool does:
Browsers for Kids
Blocks Outgoing Info
Filters Other
Filters Illegal
Filters Violence
Filters Hate
Filters Sex
Limits Time
Pre-Selected Content Service
No Preference
News Groups/Usenet
Instant Messages
Chat Rooms
Peer to Peer Networks
Any Technology
Your Computer:
Windows 3.1
MacOS 9
Windows NT
Windows 95
Windows 98
Mac OS X
Windows XP
Windows ME
Windows 2000
Any Computer

Limit my search to filtered ISPs only.

Limit my search to kid-oriented search engines only.

If your company has a tool or service that is appropriate for this listing, please let GetNetWise know about it. Please read our Guidelines for Including Products or Services.

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