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 Add a Saly water fishing report

Add Fishing Reports

Welcome sportsmen! Welcome to the FinTalk add a fish report form. Please use the form to post detailed salt water fishing reports for your region. If you don't have a fish report you may also add salt water tips and tactices for other sportsmen to checkout. If you are a charter fishing Captain or professional fishing guide you may add your website, email, and other business info into your salt water fish report. Thanks for posting your fishing reports on

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Salt Water Fishing Reports

   Welcome Captains, Mates, and Anglers to Fin Talk salt water fishing reports. Please add your fishing report below and be sure to include all the juicy details like the specific body of water, the type of fish, the fishing tactics, techniques, and methods you employed including whether you used lures, live baits, or cut baits. Be sure to include things in your report like water depths, weather and tidal conditions and anything else you believe will help other anglers catch that BIG DADDY. You may also troll on over to the message boards and look for or add more salt water reports that may be more specific to your region or target species. The salt water message boards which we have named the Fin Forum is the perfect place to discuss a wide variety of saltwater topics including Fintalk's saltwater fishing reports. These reports keep our sportsman brothers in-the-know and betters their chance at having a successful day of fishing so we encourage you to post away.
Enjoy Fintalk Fishing Reports and "Hold His Head Up'.  Hold his head up!

POST Fishing Reports or Tips Here  
Fill out the blanks below to post a Fin Report. After you submit your entry, you will be returned to the Fin Report front page. The blanks with (*) represent required fields. Back to Fin Reports main
POST Fishing Reports or Tips Here:
E-mail: e.g., no spaces. Please double check your email to make sure it is correct otherwise other fishermen will not be able to contact you or potential customers if you are one of our charter boat Captains.
Please be sure to supply your CITY and STATE so other readers will know what area the fishing report is for.
  Picture: max. 250kb
Your Report or Tip Here*:

Type your fishing report or tip here. Please make a detailed fishing report. We want to provide accurate and detailed reports about where the fish are biting, best way to catch them, and what the best baits are.

If you are a fishing charter Captain or fishing guide please include that information in your report for our sportsmen readers.

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Saltwater Fishing Charters

Saltwater fishing charters and other outdoors related businesses. Captains, guides, and recreational related businesses should check out our charter fishing and sportmans directory. Even though FinTalk is relatively new we are really starting to grab our fair share of web traffic and 95% of that traffic is made up of average fishermen and sportsmen. The same fishermen and sportsmen that buy your products and services. After you post your salt water fishing report go to our sportsmens directory and see what benefits our ad listings can bring to your business. 


Thank You for posting your fishing report!

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