Your Winery
All grape and fruit wineries in Canada are listed
- Wineries must be licensed within the province
- Must produce wine from Canadian grapes or fruit .
- Listing on Regional page with detailed description of your winery
- Listing on Wineries A_Z web page
- Listing on appendix web page of your website URL
- Listing on Vineyard PLus web pages providing you submit the information
required on a regular bases
- Icewine web page
- Where to Stay web page
The best way to contact is by e-mail.
Mailing Address
Wines of
1215C-56th Street #18037
Delta BC V4L 2B0
All article submissions must be e-mailed or faxed. We are a non profit website all articles are submitted without
obligation. The fax number is 604-948-1653.
Wineries wishing to advertise on our website please see the following web page.
Advertising at Wines of