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Hangover Medicines

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Hangover Medicines

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Are hangover medicines are out there?

With NASA just discovering that water once existed on Mars, the next question has to be whether or not hangover medicines are out there. Are they? Are hangover medicines just beyond the cosmos? Are hangover medicines out of our reach much the way Mars was just a few years ago. Will we some day land our rover onto the rocky surface of hangover medicines? Well, perhaps we already have.

Dr Richard Hammersley, Professor of Psychology at the University of Wales, Swansea, who studies alcohol and drug addiction, feels that some of the old wives tales do work. He says that a voiding drinking on an empty stomach and having food with your drinks slows down the absorption of alcohol. He adds that this means the body has time to deal with it more effectively and lessons the chances of a hangover. He also added that drinking plenty of water reduces the dehydration. As the night wears on, a lot of people drink because they are thirsty and if they are only drinking alcohol they are making things worse for themselves the next morning.

The good doctor also added that when it comes to hangover medicines, surprisingly coffee doesn't work because it doesn't deal with dehydration. He then added that coffee doesn't sober you up. He didn't address whether or not Vanilla Latte's have the same lack of sobering effect, but one can make his or her own conclusions.

We're very proud of the resources here, because we've taken the time to check out each and every website featured to make sure they are quality sites, with quality information.

And be sure to check out our pages about Hangover Tips, Hangover Remedies, Hangover Pill, and Chaser Hangover elsewhere on this site.

Hangover Medicines
Avoid A Hangover
Never worry about a hangover again with Chaser!

Hangover Secret Weapon!
Avoid a hangover with this amazing hangover prevention formula!

See What the Net Doctor has ordered
Check out info on hangover medicines.

Do you feel medsafe?
See what this site has to say about that.

Tips about hangover medicines
Click on medline site.

Hangover Cures
Avoid A Hangover
Never worry about a hangover again with Chaser! Click here for more information.
Hangover Secret Weapon!
Avoid a hangover with this amazing hangover prevention formula! Click here for more information.

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