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Clip Art Archives

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Rating System

*** Great site! Don't miss it!
** Good site...worth the visit
* Speciality site, only visit if you need what they specialize in
I have seen hundreds of online image archives and Art Today is simply the best clip art archive online and is a must for graphic arts professionals and web designers. You can search through all 2,000,000+ images and they are royalty free so you can use them in your business projects. They have photographs, clip art, fonts, web graphics, eps illustrations, and animated gif's. Overall, this is the best clip art archive online. Review

*** The Whole Internet Guide To Clip Art
Just about every topic is covered here and the descriptions are keyword-heavy, which makes it easy to do a search for specific items. There are tons of clip art samples along with links to the site they came from, which makes this the single best site for free clip art, icons, web graphics, and pictures online. There are separate pages for the topics: animals; animated gifs; cartoons; computer and office; flowers and fruit; holidays; icons; logos; miscellaneous; people; photographs(scans); religious; science; science fiction(UFOs, aliens, etc); sports; transportation(cars, trains, planes, etc); travel clip art(maps, flags, etc); web graphics. [an error occurred while processing this directive]

*** Graphic Maps
A great site for maps! A wide selection of very high quality original cartography. Well organized too! They can also create custom maps for your site, and judging by their samples, they do a great job. Review.

*** The Animation Factory
A fantastic offering of thousands of original animated gif's. Well organized... useful... a very impressive site. If you are looking specifically for animated clip art, this is the place.

*** Billy Bear's Bullets, Icons, & Clip Art
This is a GREAT selection of clipart for children.

*** The Wizard of Draws
Fantastic original clip art by Jeff Bucchino! This is "cartoony" clip art that is a lot of fun to browse through. You'll find everything here from cats and dogs to Saddam Hussein.

*** Baby Clipart
Just a guide to baby clipart and other baby type stuff.

*** Dog
Andy dog clipart and nothing but dog clipart.

*** The Design Shoppe
This site contains some very nice original web page graphics...all quality clipart. Be sure to check this site out if you are designing a web site.

This site offers all original free clip art in the form of "PageKits" and "ButtonKits", which are especially helpful in designing a site from the ground up. The "ButtonKits" artwork has some excellent general-interest clip art.

*** Infoseek's Image Surfer
This is a great place to find pictures photographs on a wide range of subjects. The links often take you to a site with many pictures on the subject you desire. Just about every subject is included, including supermodels such as Cindy Crawford, Claudia Schiffer, Kathy Ireland...

While this site offers lots of quality clip art of all kinds, especially web graphics, the constantly rotating banner ads were a constant source of frustration as the clip art images had to compete with the ads for bandwidth.

** Jim's Cool Icons
Very high quality original images. A little bit of everything...but the planets are especially nice. If you like subtle color and understated elegance, you'll like the free clip art offered here.

** Augusto's Icons
Some excellent free clip art here...Jets...Prairie Dogs...Cars...A Tank... A nice waste of time.

** The Iconhood
A nice selection of free clip art: dots & balls, bars, animated stuff, backgrounds, and letters & numbers.

** Axem Textures
A good selection of quality textures and backgrounds.

A good collection of drug related pictures and free clip art, including some ray-traced molecule renderings.

* Aberdeen U. Riding Club Icon Shop
If you're looking for pictures and icons and free clip art relating to horses or horse riding, stop in here. Otherwise, bypass this site, though there are a few nice selections of farm animals, fruit and anatomy.

* Angels, Hearts and Festive Graphics by Wizzle
Here you'll find hearts, cupids, angels, and other "loving" free clip art images along with a "Festive" collection. There are also some butterflies in the hearts section.

| clipart | animals | auto | holidays | icons | logos | people | photos | sports | travel | clipart |

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