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KIRIBATI (Christmas Islands- LINE ISLANDS- Kiritimati)
The International Date Line is between
time zones M(Mike) and Y(Yankee) as imaginary line on the Earth that separates two consecutive calendar days.
Date in the Eastern hemisphere, to the left of the line- time zone M (Mike)- is always one day ahead of the date in the Western hemisphere, to the right of the International Date Line- time zone Y (Yankee).
It has been recognized as a matter of convenience and has no force in international law.
Prior to 1995, International Date Line split the country of Kiribati. The result was that the eastern part of Kiribati was a whole day and two hours behind the western part of the country where its capital is located.
In 1995 Kiribati decided to move the International Date Line far to the east- which placed the entire country into the same day.
Now eastern Kiribati and Hawaii, which are located in the approximately same area of longitude, are a whole day apart.