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Uptime Is Our Guarantee

We understand downtime can hurt your business. With our experience and expertise in the hosting industry we guarantee all our customers with 99.9 % uptime.


45 day Money Back Guarantee
Try Webhost4life FREE for 45 days. We have 100% confidence that you will like and keep your hosting plan. If you are not satisfied in the first 45 days after starting your account we will give your money back.
100% Satisfaction Guaranteed!
bullet Industry-leading fiber connectivity with multiple leading carriers.
bullet 99.9% Server uptime guarantee.
bullet Quickly and easily create your website or E-Commerce site in no time.
bullet 24/7 professional support by phone and e-mail (Help Tickets).
bullet Best value for your money!


Your data is in safe hands!
Webhost4life provides free backup service for all of our clients!  For each hosting account you'll receive the follow backup features.
bullet 1) Daily Backup of your websites to a local backup device.*
bullet 2) Daily Backup of databases to a local backup device.*
bullet 3) Daily Backup of your websites to a remote location.*
bullet 4) You can make manual backups of your website or database at anytime via our Hosting Control Panel. This allows you to keep a copy of your latest website or database content precisely when you need.


*Note: We highly encourage you to retain your own backup as frequently as possible. We do charge a onetime $30 fee per incident to restore any backups; this fee covers the time and effort it takes to extract data from our backup devices. 




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