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View photographs from World AIDS Day events around the world:

View photographs from "AIDS epidemic update 2004" launches held 23 November:

Below is a selection of photographs illustrating key themes of the "AIDS Epidemic Update 2004" (Click on thumbnail images to view full-size photographs)

Copyright: Photographs used must be credited to UNAIDS and the photographer, if specified.

Disclaimer: Photos used on the UNAIDS website ( do not necessarily represent the situation, opinions, or beliefs of the persons depicted, and in no way imply their HIV status.


Young women, North Africa

Teenagers discuss health issues, learn about AIDS and sing songs about health prevention at a Red Crescent Society meeting outside Cairo.
Credit: UNAIDS/G.Pirozzi


Young girl, Asia

Portrait of a young girl at school in Thailand.
Credit: UNAIDS


  Young girl, Central Europe

Portrait of young girl, in Romania.
Credit: UNAIDS
  Young girl, Latin America

Portrait of a young girl at school, Antigua, Guatemala
Credit: UNAIDS


Young girl, North Africa
Young girl at the front door of her home, Cairo, Egypt.
Credit: UNAIDS

  Young girl, Africa

Young girl at school, Namibia. Credit: UNAIDS

  Prevention, South East Asia

HIV and AIDS awareness and prevention meeting in India
Credit: UNAIDS/M.Jensen
  Prevention, Asia

A health worker counsels an HIV-positive patient, Beijing, People's Republic of China.
Credit: UNAIDS/P.Virot

  Prevention, Europe

Injecting drug users can collect free condoms at a needle exchange bus in Geneva, Switzerland
Credit: UNAIDS/Anne Sterck
  Prevention, Europe

World AIDS Day 2002 prevention activities in Kiev, Ukraine.
Credit: Unaids/L.Taylor

  Prevention, Africa

Training session on HIV prevention for a group of students in Botswana
Credit: UNAIDS/G. Pirozzi
  Treatment, Africa

HIV-positive woman receives ARV treatment at a health centre in Botswana.
Credit: WHO/UNAIDS/Sven Torfin

  Injecting drug use, Europe

Injecting drug user arrives at a needle exchange bus in Geneva, Switzerland
Credit: UNAIDS/Anne Sterck
  Injecting drug use, Asia

A former IDU (Injecting Drug User) having his Methadone treatment at a health centre, Beijing, People's Republic of China.
Credit: UNAIDS/P.Virot


Women, Middle East

One to one meeting on AIDS prevention between factory worker and Ministry of Health representative, Amman, Jordan.
Credit: UNAIDS/G.Pirozzi

  Women, Latin America

At the Reference and Training Centre for AIDS in downtown Sao Paulo, Brazil, which provides treatment for people with HIV/AIDS.
Credit: WHO/UNAIDS/A.Waak


Women, North Africa

Portrait of a widow, Tunis, Tunisia.
Credit: UNAIDS

  Women, Europe

World AIDS Day 2002 activities in Kiev, Ukraine.
Credit: UNAIDS/L.Taylor


Women, Caribbean

Women wait for transport, near Toco, Trinidad.
Credit: UNAIDS/Betty Press

  Women, Africa

Women and children near Accra, Ghana.
Credit: UNAIDS/L. Taylor


Women, Africa

Women wait at the Mangara health centre, Sarh, Chad.
Credit: UNAIDS/Hervé Vincent-AVECC

  Women, Africa

Public HIV awareness meeting organized by " Vivre+" AIDS NGO, Sahr, Chad.
Credit: UNAIDS/Hervé Vincent-AVECC


Women, Asia

A mother holds a baby in a village in Guangxi province, People's Republic of China.
Credit: UNAIDS/K. Hesse

  Women, South East Asia

Women in a poor community. Credit: UNAIDS/W.Phillips