to Lobster-i.com. Directory and information guide to some
of the best resources for lobsters and lobster ordering,
recipes online. American, florida, caribbean, maine, spiny
tails and jumbo lobsters are great to eat and one of America's
most favorite seafoods. You can find the place to order
and get fresh lobster shipped direct to you overnight. There
are lots of great information, recipes and online product
ordering sources on this delicious and wonderful tasting
crabs, and shrimp constitute the order Decapoda (Greek
deca, ten). As the name implies, all decapods
have five pairs of legs. Lobsters and shrimp have
similar body structures, possessing large muscular tails
that they use to propel themselves backwards through the
water away from danger. Crabs, in contrast, have a
very small tail that they keep tucked under their bodies.
are two commercially important families of edible lobsters.
the Nephropidae, which include the American lobster Homarus
americanus, have one pair of large claws and are found in
the northern Atlantic Ocean. The Palinuridae, or spiny
lobsters (also called rock lobsters), lack the large claws
and have spines all over their bodies. They live in
subtropical and tropical oceans.
Enjoy the great taste and healthy food benefits of seafood.
Most all seafoods are high in protein and low in fat. Unless
you are allergic, keep a regular amount in your diet and
don't miss out on the sea's wonderful bounty.