Featured Fishing Articles
Biscayne Bay Trout
For decades, urban sprawl and habitat degradation pushed many Southeast Florida anglers to the more undeveloped waters of the Florida Keys, the west coast and the Everglades. Meanwhile the North Bay's grass flats sat relatively untouched for those years, and some of the seatrout grew quite large for South Florida because of the lack of fishing pressure. More...
3 Bones for 3 Bros– Bonefishing Key West
At 4:55 AM, with 15 minutes of sleep, we stumbled to the Hilton marina where we were to be picked up by Captain Lenny. It was fairly dark out and given the fact that the bars closed 55 minutes prior, we had difficulty locating the Captain and his boat. More...
More Fish – Chum ‘em Up
All game fish respond in varying degrees to chum. For some anglers chumming has
become an art form, even a science. One thing is absolutely sure, effective chumming
techniques produce more fish. Let’s discuss some of the most productive
methods that will make you a more successful angler. More...
Improving Sailfish Survival Rates
hottest topic on the south Florida tournament circuit this year is the great hook
debate - circle hooks versus J-hooks. Just to be clear, this article is not intended
to support or criticize either type of hook, but to look at the bigger picture.
What we can do to improve sailfish survival rates regardless of which hook we
chose to use. More...
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