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Unfair Advantage Headlines

12/23/04: Updated Intraday update DLL to include EL, SMC, EPL, PLZ , AI, XA, and CVX-R.
Version 2.8.1 is released.
4/29/04: Version 2.8.0 is released.
4/28/04: List of currently available Studies is now available.

Click  c:\ua\archives\cdbfacts.adm to refresh your futures factsheet.
Click  c:\ua\archives\sdbfact2.adm to refresh your stock factsheet.  Make sure to redownload with yesterdays data to bring uptodate.

The UA commodity database uses 444 MB, and it grows at 11% annually.
The UA stock database uses 2.2 GB, and it grows at 12% annually.
The UA options database uses 2.4 GB, and it grows at 18% annually.


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Portfolio Updates
The following portfolios are provided to facilitate Unfair Advantage users' use of third party software.  Please save to "c:\ua\archives\portfile.adm".

One Day at a Time® for Commodities
One Day at a Time® for Stocks
Vantage Point® Version 5
Vantage Point® Version 6
Natural Order®
Omnitrader® Futures
Omnitrader® Stocks
Stock Market Magic®

Unfair Advantage Version:


Software Upgrades
  UA is undergoing some rapid changes and seemingly unrelated features are sometimes broken or behave differently than expected. Be sure to always make a backup copy your UA directory (normally copy c:\ua to c:\uaold). so that you can back out of unpleasant changes.
   It is generally not possible to overwrite a new version with an old version.  Always install these on top of your old versions, do not uninstall your old version. 
  After upgrading, a successful data download is necessary to gain total access to market history.
   Upgrades are cumulative, so the latest includes all fixes which were in previous upgrades.

A $20.00 charge for replacement upgrade discs may apply

   Running UA loads certain DLL files into your computer's memory, which may be replaced in the newer version. To assure that outdated DLL files do not interfere with UA, please shut down and restart your computer before installing an upgrade, and again before running the upgraded program.

*** Important Uninstall Notice ***
   UA's uninstall function should only be used if UA is stored in it's own subdirectory (probably C:\UA).  Do not use uninstall if the software was installed in the root directory on any of your drives (ex. c:\ or d:\).   Always back up your hard drive before uninstalling any software products from your computer.

Unfair Advantage Program and Data Updates

Unfair Advantage Replacement DataBase Files

Current Versions

UA version 2.8.2
UA version 2.8.1
UA version 2.8.0 

Prior Versions


Unfair Advantage Upgrade's

UA version 2.8.2

Not yet available

First Listed: 9/28/2004
Released: Not Yet.

Known problems (Not fixed in this version) 
  1. MS Format eats up all of the computers memory if the portfolio is too big.
Program Changes 

  1. Contracts which are deleted out during the day work fine.
  2. Detrending of Individual Futures Groups new works.
  3. API function RetrieveAdjAndUnadjStock works.
  4. AnyLanguage works much better.
  5. Charts are now color coded to show edits and snapquotes.
  6. The interpreted function BigPointValue now produces the same results in Perl as in the other languages.
  7. The AnyLanguage interpreter now has an option to turn off debug logging which speeds initial parsing process.
  8. API clipboard format has unadjusted columns at end of record.
  9. Improved message explaining when the Smart Optimize feature when optimizing interpreted studies is available.
  10. MS Format files now correctly roll into subdirectories when the primary directory is full.
  11. MS Format now allows Put Call Totals.
  12. Now correctly installs on XP systems with shortcuts linked to the correct location.
  13. Position Manager is now able to "Save As ..." successfully.
  14. The Data Editor no longer complains whey you try to edit a back adjusted document with Anticipate rolling with the portfolio being in Alternate Backadjuster mode.
  15. Opening a chart with a custom transformation no longer produces an invalid memory reference.
  16. Indicator Drop Down added to charts.
  17. 5380 is now added as normal data rather than as a correction.
  18. DAO is no longer installed with UA.

UA version 2.8.1

Email Tech Support at to get a download URL,
or call at 561-392-8663 to order a new CD.

First Listed: 4/29/2004
Released: 9/28/04

Known problems (Not fixed in this version) 
  1. AnyLanguage has been changed, and is not fully functional in this version.  Do not use this version if you are using AnyLanguage.  At the very least, you will need a new studylib.any which can be downloaded here.
  2. MS Format works as well as in UA 2.8.0, but directories do not automatically roll into subdirectories as they fill up.
  3. AmiBroker import works better, but for some people, some symbols may not be imported.  But you need to download UA_AmiBroker_OleGoBetween.exe and save it to your UA folder.
  4. An error will occur when a contract is quoted earlier in the day and is then missing later on the current day.  History refresh is required to fix the affected file.
  5. Detrending of an Individual Futures Group does not work correctly.
  6. API function RetrieveAdjAndUnadjStock does not work without MarketNumber being set first.
  7. The API clipboard functions produce an incorrect text format.  The Unadjust Close column is inserted after the Close column rather than after Closing Ask column.  Please use the VersionNumber property to workaround this bug.
  8. Does not install correctly on XP systems.  Shortcuts launch in wrong directory.  The message is usually saying that the adortl60.bpl file is missing.
Program Changes 

  1. CSI Daily news displays correctly in Internet Explorer and Mozilla.  Others unknown.
  2. Factsheet column widths are retained even when column ordering is changed.
  3. Snapshot copy to clipboard now allow for symbols of up to 8 characters.
  4. Finalization no longer complains if deleting data out of a database file which as a result is empty.
  5. Chart currency conversion is done historically using the historical conversion rates.
  6. API function RemoveStockScanResultFromPortfolio added.  This function removed items from a portfolio.
  7. AnyLanguage now recognizes "or" keyword.
  8. Chart prices are rounded if Round To The Nearest Tick is not checked.
  9. API prices are not founded if Round To The Nearest Tick is checked.
  10. AnyLanguage code now required semi-colon (';') characters at the end of each line.
  11. Foreign stock symbols no longer have their exchange id added to the symbol twice.
  12. MarketScanner no longer omits stocks with just one day of trading.
  13. UA correctly appends inverted and customer post processed data series.
  14. The number pad now works correctly in the Position Manager.
  15. Position Manager column ordering is not saved when program closes.
  16. Position Manager now default to current contract for futures positions.
  17. Position Manager now has ability to selectively import from the UA portfolio.
  18. Position Manager now accepts "." character during enter.
  19. Position Manager added a column for Profit/Loss relative to stop price.
  20. AnyLanguage divisions are now all done in floating point.
  21. UA no longer reports successful distribution when the browser initiates download.
  22. UA no longer has problems finding the Guide window.
  23. UA now respects the round to nearest tick settings when generating Perpetual Data.
  24. UA API no longer clears the clipboard unnecessarily.
  25. Position Manager no longer misses second character when editing field and typing really quickly.
  26. Appending for Roll By Expiration > 4 now works correctly.
  27. UA table printing now consistently has the correct background color in the header.
  28. Expanded the size of the stock index name field for component analysis from 40 to 80 characters.
  29. Dividends may now be applied to volume as well as price.
  30. Chart table display of decimal numbers now works correctly for conversion factors -7 and -8.
  31. HTTP Proxy support now available.
  32. Alternate Back Adjuster Close to Close with New Gap Reintroduced now shows the expired contract as being current on the day of rolling.

UA version 2.8.0

*If you have version 2.7.1 or earlier, you must uninstall and get a new version by CD or download. 

Email Tech Support at to get a download URL,
or call at 561-392-8663 to order a new CD.

First Listed: 4/24/2004
Released: 4/29/04

Known problems (Not fixed in this version) 
  1. CSI Daily news appears blank when Internet Explorer is the default browser.
  2. AmiBroker rebuilds export whenever preferences are viewed.
  3. A newly created portfolio sometimes does not appear as the default when adding files.
  4. For some people, AmiBroker export fails with message "unable to connect".
  5. AmiBroker, all market appear in one Sector.
  6. Portfolio does not list the actual filename for CSI format files past 999 when the portfolio is set to roll into numbered alternate directories "c:\ua\nasdaq" then "c:\ua\nasdaq002".
  7. UA does not correctly append inverted and customer post processed data series.
Program Changes 
  1. Ascii file names which include invalid characters are automatically converted to valid file names.
  2. Custom columns in output files work correctly.

All information and data on this website are © Copyright 2002 by Commodity Systems Inc. (CSI) All rights are reserved.
800-274-4727 | 561-392-8663 | 561-392-1379 (Fax)