Historical Options Data on CD-ROM
CSI currently offers options data on CD-ROM. The data includes all strikes, puts, and calls on all delivery months. All data is in plain ASCII format.
Options data is priced at $125.00 per year per index and/or future. 5 year minimum order applies per index or future. Shipping costs vary by method and location. Sorry, NO REFUNDS for historical data by CD-ROM.
To place your order, please call us at (800)274-4727 or (561)392-8663 weekdays between 9am and 6pm Eastern time.
Inventory Lists:
To view available futures options, download option.doc. You will need WordPerfect or MS Word. (109k)
To view available futures options, download option.txt to view as plain Text. (6k)
To view available index options, download index_options.txt to view as plain Text.
Data Examples:
Stock index option data
SPX.TXT - All data in one big file, fixed block format
SPX.CSV - All data in one big file, comma separated value format (open with Microsoft Excel or other .csv reader)
Futures option data
SP.TXT - All data in one big file, fixed block format
SP.CSV - All data in one big file, comma separated value format (open with Microsoft Excel or other .csv reader)
CSVFMT.DOC - Word document with CSV specs
Spx.zip and Sp.zip have the data from the complete file broken down as follows:
Each Delivery month/Delivery year will have a subdirectory. For example, all Dec 2002 strikes will be in the directory 200212.
Within each directory, each strike price will be contained in one file. For example, all of the data for Dec 2002 Put at strike price 1600 is in the file P01600.CSV under the subdirectory 200212.