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Huntington Beach Conference and Visitors Bureau
Privacy and Anti-Spam Policy

For each visit to a page on our website, our web servers automatically record the domain name or IP address, but not the e-mail address of the surfer.

The only way we or our clients obtain your email address is if you enter it in a form. If you do enter your email address on a form, it will be used to:
  1. Deliver information you requested.
  2. Used to improve our services to you.
It will not be sold to other organizations for commercial purposes.

We are totally against spam. If you receive unsolicited email from any of our clients, please notify us at . Include the offending email with all the headers intact.

Please be aware that it is not uncommon for spammers to hide behind someone else's email account, as well as use mail servers that they do not own.

Privacy Policy