These web pages
are designed to help teachers and pupils by extending their knowledge
of weather and climate - in the UK and around the world. |
Provides observations from the UK and around the world, charts,
satellite images and an activities section.
Learning Centre (CLC)
Use this online resource for primary and secondary school education
- it includes worksheets, classroom activities, leaflets to download
and a 'Did you know?' section.
Training Centre (TTC)
The Centre helps you teach the curriculum effectively - in areas
like the atmosphere, fronts and clouds - and includes a bibliography
and essay questions. |
Education resources
We offer a range of products for all ages - including posters,
wall charts, activity packs and booklets - that help guide students
from basic concepts to detailed science.
weather events (HWE)
Would you like to know more about weather events that made their
mark on history - from floods and severe winters, to London's
infamous 'pea soupers' and the devastating storm of 1987?
Weather topic links
A list of weather topic related links, to help the understanding
of various aspects of the weather. Topics include general information,
hurricanes, thunderstorms, global warming and climate change.
College and university students wishing to obtain data and
information should visit our academic research pages.
The international body that unites all the meteorological services around the world, the World Meteorological Organization, commemorates its formation on March 23rd each year with World Met Day. In 2005 the theme being highlighted is Weather, Climate, Water and Sustainable Development.
News |
The Met Office is pleased to be supporting Einstein Year,
in particular the 'Weather' theme which is launched during
February 2005. A range
of pages have been provided, containing a range of experiments,
quizzes and fact sheets relating to weather. There is even
a quiz which pupils can complete to win a prize.
A set
of four posters, designed to help teachers and students
identify common weather situations using spectacular satellite
imagery, has been produced. Situations covered include low
pressure, thunderstorms, Arctic air stream and cold front.
Making weather
observations |
weather stations
How to become a weather observer
Watching the
A series of PDFs that are primarily designed to give anyone
who is contemplating setting up a climatological station
an account of the requirements for recognition as a voluntary
station co-operating with the Met Office.