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Your Days - free ovulation calendar
Free online ovulation calendar and medical information for women, pregnancy, contraception and fertility.
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How I get pregnant ?
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Ovulation Basics
Irregular Menstrual Cycle
Luteal Phase
Medical Information
How to get pregnant ?
Am I pregnant ?
Ovulation and pregnancy
Ovulation and Contraception
Irregular Menstrual Cycle
What is the Luteal Phase ?
What is endometriosis ?
Pregnancy and sexual intercourse
Baby name tips


Getting Pregnant

To become pregnant

  1. Update your menstrual cycle information. See Editing Menstrual Cycle Data for more details.
  2. Choose the option "Pregnancy" in I want to achieve Options area:

If you want to conceive a baby of a specific gender (a boy or a girl), you can choose the options Pregnancy (Boy) or Pregnancy (Girl) in I want to achieve list. Please note that choosing the baby gender is only avaliable in Precise Calendar method.

Reading the calendar

After you complete the steps described above, Ovulation Calendar calculates your fertile days:

The fertile days are marked with a heart symbol. To increase your chances of getting pregnant, you should time intercourse to occur during this 'fertile window'. The most fertile day is the day of ovulation; it is marked with a light green circle on a dark green background. See Ovulation and Pregnancy for more details.

Keeping the calendar accurate

To ensure that the calendar is correct, you need to keep your menstrual cycle information up to date. Your Days ovulation calendar will alert you when this information becomes outdated. To update it, click the link update days in Options area. See Keeping the Calendar Accurate for more details.

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