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Security and Privacy Information - Alaska Smoked Fish



1.  We use industry standard Secure Sockets Layer encryption.  You can safely transmit your credit card information on our order page.

2.  Your order information is never transmitted in plain text.  It is always encrypted for security.

3.  We never store your credit card and address information in plain text on our server.  It remains on our server only long enough for the order to be handled....usually just a few days.

4.  Your information is used only by authorized and trusted employees, and only to fill your order.


1.  We will not share your address or email information with anyone outside of this business.  Period.

2.  If you give us your e-mail address, you will never hear from us again after your order is complete, unless you give us permission to send you occasional product announcements.

3. If you give us permission to send you occasional announcements, we will always provide easy instructions for discontinuing this service.


1.  Our shopping cart system uses "cookies" to store your order preferences.  These cookies contain no personal information about you.  They are used only to facilitate the order.

2.  Our cookies expire within 24 hours.  In other words, they "disappear" all by themselves.

If you have any questions about any of this, please contact us.  Thanks for buying wild Alaska fish from Alaska Smoked Salmon. 

Mike Keating

Your satisfaction is guaranteed.  If you're not happy, we'll make it right.
 -- Mike

Alaska Smoked Fish

 from Big Blue Fisheries LLC
216 Smith St Unit B
PO Box 2956, Sitka, AK 99835

Tel. 1-907-966-9999 ~ FAX 1-907-966-BLUE (2583)

We accept Visa Card We accept MasterCard