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The Met Office has been working with the Department of Health and NHS to develop an emergency workload forecast model as part of the Health forecasting project. Weather and infectious disease data are just two of the many variables that were used to develop these forecasts.

More about weather services for health

Weather services for health
Forecasting the nation's health
Forecasting the nation's health
Find out how weather and climate data can help you to predict fluctuations in NHS workload.

Air quality forecasts
Air quality forecasts
Daily forecasts for counties, created using advanced pollution models are available via the web or a GIS (geographical information system) direct to your desktop.

The Met Office, with funding from the DETR, has developed a model for assessing air quality in congested street canyons.

Dispersion modelling
Dispersion Modelling Bureau
Access the very latest dispersion modelling technology without any of the set-up costs.

UV forecasts
UV forecasts
Get easily accessible UK and European UV forecasts for today and tomorrow, plus a Solar UV Index and real-time UV data from six UK sites.


Fighting the winter viruses
The onset of the winter months, especially the cold, dry conditions associated with this time of year, brings with it an increase in viral infections. Medical professionals need to be prepared for a considerable increase in workload. This is where the Met Office's Forecasting the nation's health initiative comes into play...
From Features on health

There are more than 200 types of arthritis and rheumatic disease, and more than seven million people in the UK suffering with long-term health problems due to these conditions. The suggested effect of the weather on arthritic and rheumatic patients is said to be one of the best-documented influences of the weather on health...
From Features on health

Britain's worst 'pea-souper'
Despite an event in London in 1892 that resulted in approximately 1,000 extra deaths, it wasn't until the smog of December 1952 that any action was taken. Although we rarely experience events as severe as this today, air pollution is still a major factor affecting the nation's health...
From Features on health

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