World AIDS Day luncheon at the National Press Club, Washington DC
Speech by Dr Peter Piot, Executive Director of UNAIDS and Under Secretary-General of the United Nations
(English only, pdf format)
Message on the occasion of World AIDS Day 2004
Dr Peter Piot,
Executive Director of UNAIDS
and Under Secretary-General of the United Nations
en | fr | sp | ru
Secretary-General of the United Nations message on World AIDS Day, observed on 1 December
Secretary-General Kofi Annan hails women as most courageous, creative champions in fight against HIV/AIDS
ar | ch | en | fr | ru | sp | pt
Op-ed by Graca Machel, President of the Foundation for Community Development, Mozambique,
Kathleen Cravero,
Deputy Executive Director of UNAIDS
(English only)
Message on the occasion of World AIDS Day 2004
Dr. Jacques Rogge, President of the International Olympic Committee
en | fr (doc format only)
Message on the occasion of World AIDS Day 2004
Statement by Thoraya Ahmed Obaid UNFPA Executive Director