Weather services that help to keep the
rail infrastructure moving, designed for decision-makers in Railtrack,
maintenance companies, train operators and freight companies.
Helping infrastructure providers, maintenance providers and train
operating companies to minimise the impact of the weather on their
operations - it includes summer and winter services, and daily forecasts
throughout the year for 32 areas in the UK.
More about OpenRail
The rail infrastructure extends beyond the tracks - these site-specific
forecasts tell you if ice and snow are likely to affect station
car parks and platforms, and are particularly useful for unstaffed
More about OpenPlatform
Special tailored forecasts |
These range from forecasts of ice on conductor rails, to strong
winds that can affect overhead electrification.
More about tailored
We run training courses so that you can get the most out of your
weather forecasts.
More about rail
weather training
Speak one-to-one with a Met Office forecaster at a local met. office.
Talk to a forecaster