This script will include a simple text counter on the page of your choice. The scripts do not require a database of any kind.
Setting Cookies in PHP
Use the following code before your <html> tags to set a cookie.
$fName = "Linus" //variables for the cookie
$lName = "Torvalds"
setcookie('firstName', $fName); //set cookies
setcookie('lastName', $lName);
Use the following code to retrieve existing cookie data and print it to the screen.
echo $_COOKIE["firstName"]; //outputs data in cookie
echo $_COOKIE["firstName"]; //outputs data in cookie
Setting Cookies in ASP
Use the following code before your <html> tags to set a cookie.
fName = "Linus" 'variables for the cookie
lName = "Torvalds"
Response.Cookies("name")("fname") = fname 'set the cookies value
Response.Cookies("name")("lname") = lname 'set the cookies value
Response.Cookies("name").Domain = "" 'set to your domain
Response.Cookies("name").Expires = Date + 365 'when the cookie expires
Use the following code to retrieve existing cookie data and print it to the screen.
Response.Write(Request.Cookies("name")("fname") 'outputs data in cookie
Response.Write(Request.Cookies("name")("lname") 'outputs data in cookie