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Dear Rashelle,
I found LifeLift quite by accident. I have been doing Bodyflex on and off for the last few years, with spotty results, and went online to find out what others were saying about the program.
I found a site comparing Bodyflex and LifeLift, with testimonials claiming LifeLift was miles ahead. It also listed the web address, so I shot right over, read what other people said about you and
your program, and decided to order the first tape.
It has been an incredible experience already! After only one week, I feel 110% better, I am sleeping through the night again (I am a night owl who has to get
up at 6 am for work, forced to go to bed at 10 so I could get up), and I find I need less sleep as every day goes by. I'm not measuring, but I can tell by how my clothes are already beginning to
hang on me that I have lost inches. With your breathing method, I have been able to use so many different poses to achieve new strength, endurance and flexibility. I love the variety, your
encouragement, and most of all, the almost instant results! Thank you so much - I know I can finally reach my goals, and regain the lean, graceful dancer's body I had in my musical theatre
Most Sincerely,
I did start with Bodyflex but I changed to LifeLift earlier in the year. I believe you are getting more oxygen in your system by doing this. It is a slower breath but it is also more controlled as well. It doesn't seem like any difference until you actually try them both. I hope this helps! Michele
My breathing program of choice is LifeLift and always will be. I
never heard of Lifelift until I attempted both Bodyflex and Oxycise.
With Bodyflex I truely felt like I was losing a lung with each harsh
breath; so that wasn't for me. And Oxycise was just too complicated
for me. That's when a special friend on a Bodyflex list told me
about Lifelift. That's when it all started.
I have a LOT of weight to lose; I'd use the term morbidly obese but
that is what I am classified as; but other friends on the list have
gotten me out of that habit. I faithfully started Lifelift about
17 months ago; between 5-7 times a week. I then started making small
eating changes; to eventually increase my meals to 3 small meals a
day and 2 snacks so my body stayed fueled. I did everything little
by little; no big changes. I want and need these healthy changes to
be lifelong habits which is why I am doing it this way.
I have done fabulously well with Lifelift; and then when I started
adding the BodyWrap products... well let's just say this combination
is perfect for me. I lose slowly due to years of yoyo dieting. But
with Lifelift I am getting healthier and healthier with each and
every breath I take. I truely thank God each day for sending
Rashelle to be such an important part of my life.
I have lost now about 75 pounds; 4 sizes and too many inches to
count. I don't focus on numbers; I don't focus on the pounds; I
spend my time focusing of ME! Because I am important and I have
learned to make time for ME. This took Rashelle a while to get thru
my hard head but it works! And it makes a world of difference.
I stay positive no matter what and when I'm having a hard time with
anything; I stay focused and do the best I can. I have also hit a
lot of big obstacles during this past year or so; and I turn it into
a positive and work around it. I can't let anything get in my
anymore of being a healthy human being.
I'm sorry this is so long; I really didn't mean to write a novel this
morning. But when I'm asked how LL has worked for me... well I just
can't be quiet!
Feel free to ask me anything about what I've done. I'm thrilled to
share the success I've had and continue to have. Also know that I am
always there for you, and anyone who needs me help.
And Rashelle, if you are reading this, Thank you for all that you do.
I started with BodyFlex about 1 year ago saw results, then fell off the wagon, but I have been doing LifeLift for almost 2 weeks since the docs ok and let me tell you I feel just wonderful. The breathing is more controlled I really like the difference of the pahs and I could just breath and listen to Rashelle recite the story over and over again her voice is so relaxing....Well I gotta get up tomorrow and do the LifeLift because it is weed eating day so I am gonna have to have much energy and LifeLift is the way to go! Helen
I have been using your LifeLift INSTRUCTIONAL video for a couple of days now, and I am awaiting the arrival of your Workout 1 and Workout 2 videos. I must say I am very impressed with your tape. I find your words very encouraging and inspirational. I have been Bodyflexing for about 2 months with very slow and minimal results. While I find your technique similar, I prefer your gentle approach. Sometimes I would get a sore neck or side from the strong exhale from BodyFlex. VK
I tried Bodyflex for 6 months. I did it 5 days a week, I had no noticeable results, no weight loss and no noticeable difference in my energy level. I never broke a sweat as some people did and don't remember even getting warm. I did have a sore throat with some hoarseness from time to time. I ordered Oxycise, even the newer workout so I have all of Jill's tapes and tried those. I felt the breath was too complicated although I think I managed to master it, really dreaded doing it for some reason. I just didn't seem to get into that program as well as not seeing any results right away and it fell by the wayside. Since joining this list I have ordered LifeLift and love it. It seems so soothing and I've noticed more energy and my "pouch" has flatted out. I also get very warm and have even broken a sweat. I have been on it for 3 weeks and will continue this program because it seems to have a stress reducing factor that I did not notice with the other programs. Rashelle voice has an almost magical quality that makes this program a total mind-body connection. I am anxiously awaiting the workout tapes, so we can work along together. Jean
I've read many of the wonderful things that everyone has to say about LifeLift. I too agree that it is so much better than the others. I tried Oxycise and Bodyflex before LifeLift. Both the others were too hard for me. I never could get Oxycise down and Bodyflex stressed my back and neck. Both were to frenetic for me. I have days when breathing at all can feel like it takes too much energy! But Rashelle, both on her tape and by email, encouraged me to do what I could and rejoice that I was that much closer to feeling great. Little by little it's working. I don't always get a full routine done but I try to find places throughout my day to at least do breaths. I'm still not the poster child for LifeLift, but don't rule me out yet. :~) Can't wait to see the new tapes. Kate
I just ordered all your new tapes and the ones I have received I love. They make me feel very calm. I have been doing Oxycise for two years and I never felt as good afterwards as I do with your LifeLift tapes. Thank you, Cindy R
I wanted to write and say that I got the LifeLift tape and really like it. I think that holding a little bit longer and holding the position throughout the few breaths really seems to give me a better work out. I feel like I've done more than when I do the Body Flex I just can't wait for your next videos. I am really anxious to get them, especially if they will provide a concise 20 minute workout that I can do in the mornings before work (although I do love all the informative quotes throughout yours - they are very motivating) I'm especially interested in your Reflexology. I don't know that much about it, but enough to know that it does release a lot of toxins and can be very healing. I suffer from a very painful disease - endometriosis - and am hoping there will be a reflexology point that will target the reproductive organs to release toxins. That's why I'm so happy to find these breathing techniques - it's a gentler way to get some exercise when I'm having bad pain days. Up to now I haven't done any exercise in the past year and a half due to pain and fatigue. So I am very grateful, and, as I said, really looking forward to more from you. I am just grateful for your gentle yet effective product and look forward to more. Thanks again, Lydia
I AM HOOKED! I just finished my first session of LifeLift and I LOVE IT!!! I feel terrific, as though I could conquer anything right now -- even that paper on Marxism I've been putting off finishing. :) Rashelle is incredibly inspiring and sincere -- I like her style so much better than Greer's (she's so much gentler!). I also like the LifeLift breath better than that of Body Flex or Oxycise. I realize that the BF and LifeLift breaths are similar, but the LifeLift breath just feels "right." As a matter of fact, I haven't felt this "right" or healthy in a long time. . .incredible! I heartily encourage anyone and everyone to look into this program! Breathe on, Hedra
In the last couple of weeks a few people asked what is the difference in Body Flex and LifeLift. I realized this week that there is a bigger difference then I thought. I started doing BF about a year and a half ago. Yes I lost lbs. and inches, however when I went to get my allergy shots I had trouble blowing into the peak flow meter (this checks my breathing levels to make sure my asthma is in check). I can't get my shots unless my levels are high enough. The harshness of the pah in BF caused me to cut off some of the air that needed to come out of my lungs especially while using the peak flow meter. I had to re-teach myself how to blow correctly into the meter so that I could get my shots. I've been doing a lot of LifeLift lately, the pah is so gentle and so relaxing, and my air isn't being cut off. I went to get my shots on Monday and my breathing levels were great! Also I've lost 7 1/2 inches in 3 weeks yeah!!!!!!!!!! Liz
LifeLift did it! It broke my slow-loosing streak! This last week I did the LifeLift breath I lost 2 1/2 inches this week! Now that probably doesn't sound like a lot, but to me it is... I was lucky if I was losing 1/2 a week. My loss this week is more that what I've lost in the last 4 weeks combined! And to top it off, one of those inches was lost on my hips! This is huge for me! My hips weren't budging. I also sweat a lot while doing the routine with the LifeLift breath. It seems to be a much more intense workout than with the BodyFlex breath. I was surprised because the LifeLift breath is so much gentler...I didn't expect it to give me a harder workout. So now I'm thrilled and I'm going to continue this method. -Jamie
I just came over to LifeLift from BF 1 1/2 weeks ago. I SAW results the first week!! I do a 'hold' in a few of the positions as I breath. I think it helped with the inch loss. I feel that the breathing technique of LifeLift works for me much better. As for the facial exercises, I do as Rashelle does by putting my tongue to the roof of my mouth when lifting. I have added some of my own positions and taken some of the LifeLift ones out so that I am targeting on certain areas. If you feel that you need the facial ones, it sure can't hurt. GOOD LUCK Rhonda
LifeLift is a lot like body flex, but yet is more gentle. The breathing just does not seem to be as harsh. And like I have wrote before in my letters. I personally find LifeLift to be very relaxing. Not relaxing in a bad way, but in a good way! Geri
Thank you Rashelle.
I did BodyFlex and I like it for when I'm in a hurry, but my throat hurts when I do it. So I bought Oxycise and I like the different tapes she has, but her breathing is difficult to catch on to.
I love LifeLift. I feel so good after I'm done and you are so relaxing to watch. I only have the first video, so I have been doing m own workout with the position you have showed us. I plan on purchasing the rest of you videos
Thank you for such a wonderful program.
Anna Bristol
"Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus" -- in other words, these programs DO work! On LifeLift I saw results almost immediately (some overnight!), but my inch loss on Body Flex and Oxycise were much slower. You need to find the program that works for you, and then stick with it faithfully -- it may take as long as a month or more to see results, but everyone I know has done so eventually. If you commit to it, you will reap the benefits! :)
Breathing definitely makes you thin -- if we ponder it, what else would do it?! Remember that this is key in other programs (or ways
of life!), such as yoga. Breathing keeps us alive -- it is vital to our existence. If we do it properly, we can achieve incredible results in physical, mental, and spiritual health. Take care, Hedra
I thought that I could do LifeLift by just getting the positions off of the Inhale lets go website. I did lose about 11 inches in 16 days, but now that I actually have the tape and have looked over it. I was not doing all of the positions that are available on the video. When you are able to see the positions, it makes it so much easier. Rashelle, thank you so much for your wonderful video. I had purchased Bodyflex and Oxycise and to me they don't even compare to your inspirational and encouraging video. I am so delighted to have it in my possession. I am so excited about the video. Holly
Just wanted to let you know I really like the workouts. As an experiment I went back to my old Bodyflex tape this morning and I felt like I was being assaulted after having such a gentle workout yesterday with you. Thanks for being so involved with your clients (I'm on the LifeLift e-mail list too). It really makes a difference when I'm deciding where to spend my dollars. I'm planning on treating myself to a video every month until I have them all. : ) Carrie
First let me start by saying I am the Queen of non-losers! I did Body Flex faithfully for a year and although I felt good I had little or no results. I've been doing LifeLift for about a month now, and reluctantly I decided to measure today, knowing I would be disappointed and lo and behold I lost 3 1/4 inches!!!!!! I lost an inch off my upper abs, 1 1/2 off my waist, 1/2 off my lower abs, and 1/4 off my hips (which makes my "bubble Butt" look somewhat smaller) yea!!!! Thank You Rashelle, You are an angel sent from heaven. I still can't believe you take the time out of your busy schedule to administer to our needs. One day you will have a star in your crown!!!
I find myself doing the slow breathing all day long whenever I think about it. No one even knows I'm doing it (except sometimes my vacuum slips out a little loudly)!! LOL!! I'm also actually getting a muscle in my arms!
I'll shut up for now except to say to all of you who are not losing, Use me as your example. Never, never, never give up, we are all different and lose at different stages. The only reason I even decided to measure this morning is because I saw myself in the mirror as I was going to the shower and noticed I looked a little firmer. Now if I can just get rid of my thunder thighs I'll be really happy! Diana
LifeLift and Body Flex are different in that LifeLift uses a much more gentle breath than Body Flex. I have tried both and I really like LifeLift better. The plus of LifeLift, aside from being less harsh, is the wonderful support of Rashelle Haines, who developed the program. She gives 100% of herself and is ALWAYS there to answer any questions you may have. I hope this helps. Starr
Rashelle, I received my LifeLift tape today and it is wonderful!!! We have owned body flex for quite some time, but did not enjoy doing it, so I found it hard to stick to. This evening the kids and I watched your tape all the way through. We didn't actually do the breathing, but when we were done watching, all three of us felt so relaxed and distressed. It was great. Then I sent my preteen daughter, who is the athletic queen, to bathe, and what do I hear coming from the bathroom..."PAH" and then "GASP" then a second later, the sound effects of the "Golden Straw". She thought it was an absolutely terrific workout, and this is high praise coming from a black belt in the martial arts! Tami
Just for those who like me were wondering what the difference between LifeLift is here is my 2 cents: LifeLift is slower and more controlled you really start the sucking in and lifting up process after vacuuming in the lower ab (trouble spot number 1). LifeLift really tightens the tummy muscles more every single part of LifeLift tones you up and is aerobic...even the exhale and that tongue to the roof of the mouth thing...oh my! You are vacuum sealed! Although I believe variety is the spice. I am a convert to LifeLift from BF, although on the surface LifeLift looks easier it is really much more challenging no room for cheating or inattention. Do I sound like a zealot or what! Love to all kacey
Dear Rashelle, I just wanted to thank you for creating LifeLift -- after my first session last night, I was hooked! After my second session this morning, I feel terrific! As a lifelong asthmatic, I've always stayed away from sports or exercising per se because I had such horrible lung capacity. I thought that breathing programs such as Body Flex or Oxycise would help -- and they did, to a degree, but I became bored with the programs and quit. Needless to say, my asthma came back with a vengeance! After just one session of LifeLift I could tell that my lungs were growing stronger -- I could hold my breath halfway through the video for the same amount of time as you were, without any wheezing or pain. It's absolutely incredible! Asthma wasn't my only reason for ordering LifeLift -- I'd like to rid myself of ten to fifteen pounds, as well. I was a scrawny little kid, then became a plump pre-teen, a very skinny teenager, and then, once college hit, I started battling the pounds. Fortunately, in the past twenty-four hours I feel as though my body is actually shrinking, a feeling that was intensified this morning after my second workout. I know that I'll lose the excess inches and pounds by faithfully doing LifeLift -- especially since nothing else weight training, swimming, tennis) has worked in the past. I have great faith in this program, largely in part because of you. I'm usually very skeptical of exercise gurus," and yet you simply don't fit the bill. Your sincerity is apparent throughout the entire video, as if your personality! This is a very nice change from other workout videos. I also appreciate the fact that you have a much more gentle manner than seen in Body Flex. All in all, I am completely ecstatic about this breathing program. I co-run a wellness list at ONELIST and have already recommended the program to all of our listers. I look forward to sharing my results with both you and those on the list in the weeks to come! Thank you once again, H.M. Taylor
Hi Everyone,
I just wanted to post to say that LifeLift is AWESOME! I have been on this list for quite some time and mostly just lurk. I have had the Body Flex tapes for a few years, but could never get into the habit of doing it regularly. The "pah" was just too harsh and it always made my throat sore, and even made me hoarse sometimes. I found out about LifeLift about a year ago, but could never "justify" buying the tapes since I had the BF tapes, and they are sooo similar, right?? WRONG!! I received my LifeLift tapes last Thursday, and I immediately did the Workout #1 video. I did the workout again Friday morning and, boy, was I sore! I never felt like that after doing the BF. I'm going to sell my BF tapes in a yard sale....I'm hooked on LifeLift!!! Rhonda Richards :-)
The breathing is more controlled in LifeLift. With BodyFlex you tend to PAHHH real quick and not get all the air out. With BodyFlex you don't hold the positions as long. With BodyFlex there is only one workout video. LifeLift has several and more to come. With LifeLift you have this board which has a wealth of support and advice. TexasMom
In my opinion, the LifeLift breath is a great workout. The Oxycise workout tended to leave me hyperventilated. ~Karma
I had done BodyFlex for 3 weeks before I started LifeLift and can already feel a difference in the intensity of the LifeLift method. I can tell that the increased energy from the breathing is going to come in handy now that I have two children. Lea
I just wanted to say thank you for creating the LifeLift program. I have been doing the breathing for the last couple of weeks and I feel so much better. I am seeing results that I did not see with Bodyflex. I get more of a work out too and I'm sweating when I am finished. I do various positions with your breathing. I like to do it in the morning so I get lots of energy for the day. I have noticed a big difference in my abs and in my thighs. The cottage cheese look is starting to go away on the front of my thighs as well as the back. I even noticed a difference in my double chin. It's almost gone from doing your technique. So thank you so much for being such a patient woman with all of us. I do appreciate it. I just feel so much healthier in the last couple of weeks. You inspire me!!!! Big Hugs, Michele
I can relate to how you were feeling. I felt this way when I hit a plateau with Bodyflex and I couldn't lose. I tried LifeLift but I was skeptical. I loved the instructional video when I got it and I couldn't believe the workout I got. I have lost more inches and lbs with LifeLift plus I have the support of this list and Rashelle. Plus I don't feel like I am hacking up a lung with this program. Michele S.
I can't believe how much of a difference there is between your program and Body Flex. I thought that there would not be a big difference, I was mistaken. I also can't wait to see how the acupressure face lift works. I do have a few lines starting around my eyes, so I hope that this will turn the progression of these wrinkles around.
Thank you again for having your kind giving heart and giving me the chance to try to change my life. I am really looking forward to seeing the results of your program, inside and out. I have been feeling very stressed lately, so I am hoping that this will relieve some of it. Have a great day. Tammy
I'm so glad that you had such a wonderful first experience with LifeLift! I felt the same as you, when I tried it. Seems like a lot of us ex Body Flexers are appreciating the gentle effectiveness of the LifeLift system. I too, did BodyFlex for quite a while, suffering through incredible back and kidney pain. It seemed to really aggravate all of my preexisting conditions to the point that I, like you, couldn't bare it any further. Worse yet, all this pain, and no results! Talk about a double whammy! It really does a heart good to hear that yet another body will be fit, healthy and lean, by finding their way to LifeLift! Thanks for sharing your testimonial with us. T.
You will love LifeLift. There is no comparison to bodyflex. I think Greer is ok, don't get me wrong, but it is totally a different experience exercising with Rashelle's videos. You feel like you're in a spa experience with her as your personal trainer, it is slower and more deliberate, more concentration. It is more of a workout for me, but easier. Rashelle is very compelling to look at, besides obvious beauty, she possesses something quite rare, an inner peace that radiates life and genuine love for other people. She is unique and totally giving of herself. I cannot wait to order more videos from her, I know you will love them.... they are beyond Bodyflex in every way. Susie
I can relate to your thoughts on BF versus LifeLift. I did BF for about 2 years, and had to stop because I was not only getting pain in my shoulders and neck from "Pahhh-ing" so forcefully, I was also just about wetting my pants each time I exhaled! (Having twins has made me very weak in that department). I realize now that I was not getting rid of all of the air like I should be. The LifeLift pah is so much gentler but so much more complete. I am used to diaphragmatic or "belly" breathing from playing the trumpet for many years, so I know which muscles are to be used. (I don't think it's any coincidence that I went from a very overweight 5th grader to a much slimmer middle-schooler almost overnight at the time I took up the trumpet--breathing works!). I also believe that slowing things down as Rashelle does has made a tremendous difference for me. I always felt rushed when doing BF. I'm not sure about actual inches, but I can feel some serious toning and tightening going on! I also love the fact that I can begin AND end my day with LifeLift. Funny thing how it can be energizing AND relaxing at the same time! Thanks to everyone for your inspirational posts!
I did body flex for almost 2 yrs with no inch loss at all. I'm so grateful to have found LifeLift. It is something I can do all day long anywhere I am. Whenever I get a little tired I just do a few breaths and it gets me going again. And LifeLift seems the easier I breathe the more the benefit. I haven't lost a great amount of inches but I am losing some and that is something I never did with BF. Diana
I am also one of those people who had been doing Body Flex but hit a plateau. I also found that some days I just could not do the harsh "pah" because of my sinuses. I found out about LifeLift and ordered it. I also was skeptical at first when I saw it because it seemed too gentle after the hard, fast pace of Body Flex. I quickly saw why it is more effective. Definitely the slower pace causes you to breathe in deeper and combined with holding the oxygen after you "sniff up", then sucking the abs in and up and squeezing everything, I have begun to lose again. When I started Body Flex last May I was a size 16. I had plateaued at a size 12. Now with LifeLift I am a comfortable (some loose depending upon the manufacturer) 9 or 10. When I was a 16 I would have killed to be this size again, but now that I am there it's not low enough. I say this because I have a classic "pear shape". I have lost in my chest, arms, and waist (my 15 year old daughter and I can wear the same tops) but from the hips to my knees I still look overweight. I am going to be 39 in 8 days and for my birthday I would love to order your herbal wrap special you have going on. After reading so many positive responses from people about how it is breaking up cellulite and even helping spider veins, it got me excited. I have horrible droopy inner thighs and saddle bags that won't budge. Okay, they have gone down some or else I couldn't be the size I am now but I still "feel" so fat.
Thank-you so much for creating this wonderful LifeLift program. I love not having to exercise for 3 hours a day anymore and hardly seeing results. I do it for 15 minutes, then throughout the day when I think about it I will do some breaths and even when I am at work I will sneak in some more breaths. I look forward to your response. Abby
I have good news! I have definitely had better results with LifeLift! I can honestly say this since I tried BF and although it worked, I gained and also gained a pooch in my lower abs! (odd as that sounds) I could not get it off and I stopped doing BF after 3 months. I have not tucked in my blouses all summer with my pooch and bothered by the gain. I'm "pear shape" and I don't know if BF works better on apples and LifeLift works better on pears, or if it has to do with the exercise positions, or the slower breathing. It doesn't matter to me, I have HOPE again! I am amazed!!! LifeLift is working great wonders for me! In 7 days I've accomplished the same results it took me 3, almost 4 weeks to acquire with BF. Not only that, I am tucking in my blouses only 7 days! I am thrilled! Also, I don't rely on scales, since we're really into inches and scales depress me when I see no results. Well, I felt so good and thinner this week, I got curious and got on the scale. To my amazement I also lost 5lbs! That did not happen with the other guys! I am a convert and never going back! So glad to find you guys! Just had to share with somebody! Whoopie!!! Tij
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