Netscape and would like to thank the following individuals and organizations for their contributions and support to our efforts in making the Netscape Communicator Source code freely available.
- All of the great Netscape Client Product Division engineers who worked insane hours to make this happen!
- Apple Computer
- Mr. Jan Bruyndonckx
- Mr. Ramon M. Feliciano
- FreeBSD
- Full Circle Software
- Intel Incorporated
- Mr. Thomas G. Lane
- Metrowerks
- Neuron Data
- Timothy Paustian
- Mr. Marco Piovanelli
- Mr. Eric S. Raymond
- Mr. Richard Stallman
- Mr. Linus Torvalds
- The Regents of the University of California
- Segue Software
- Stac, Inc. (now Previo)
- Mr. Peter Weinberger
We couldn't have done it without you.