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Negativland Articles

Changing Copyright
Essay by Negativland

Negativland and the Recording Industry Association of America
An archive of Negativland's adventures with the RIAA

Negativland's Tenets of Free Appropriation

Essay on Fair Use
Curious about Negativland's opinion of Fair Use?
Read all about it.

Crosley Bendix Discusses the U.S Copyright Act
From the CD that came with Negativland's Fair Use

Book Burning for Fun and Profit
So what did happen to all of those legal docs, anyway?

"Shiny, Aluminum, Plastic, and Digital"
Ever wondered why CDs are so damn expensive? Negativland lets you in on the tricks of the music trade.

Artist-Friendly Lawyers
Negativland's list of the good guys.

Negativland Interviews U2's "The Edge"
Originally printed in Mondo 2000, this is the full transcript of Negativland's interview with the unsuspecting Edge.

General Copyright & Fair Use Information

Corporate America, Calling The Tune of Mass Culture

United States Code: Title 17 - Copyright
This is the strict legal definition. If you're confused by this, visit the sites below.

Copyright Crash Course from the University of Texas
If you're confused by legal jargon and have no idea where to start, begin here. This is by far the easiest-to-understand online introduction to copyright law we've found.

Copyright & Fair Use from Stanford University Libraries
An extensive searchable archive of copyright & fair use materials, including statutes, legislation, judicial opinions, international conventions, and Internet resources. This is a n excellent place to start if you're looking for something specific.

Timeline: A History of Copyright in the U.S.
A highly informative and easy-to-understand timeline of U.S. copyright law from the Association of Research Libraries.

The Copyright Web Site
Good case studies and simple explanations of complex copyright issues.

FindLaw: Internet Legal Resources
A thorough and up-to-date resource for anyone wanting to track of general international legal developments. You'll probably want to jump straight to the Intellectual Property headlines within the specific sections.

An excellent search engine for finding laws and cases online. Try a search for Negativland!

Anti-Copyright Resources

Intellectual Property Issues Detritus
An incredible resource for anyone interested in recycled culture. Make sure to get your hands on the audio archives and excellent articles!

Musicians Against the Copyrighting of Samples
Musicians Against Copyrighting Of Samples, a non-profit organization which is constructing an international network of musicians whose opinions of sampling and the use of sampling technology oppose the copyrighting of samples.

Public Works a.k.a. The Tape-beatles
The official web site for Prague-by-way-of-Iowa's legendary sound-and-film plundering mavens. Features numerous excellent articles on Plagiarism™ pertaining to our mutual ideosphere.

Credit Where Credit Is Due

A recent discussion from the Plunderphonia discussion list, as posted to Public Works Projects.

Copyright Violation Squad
"The Copyright Violation Squad (CVS) was founded in 1992 in an effort to make publicly available certain cultural works which have been suppressed because they theoretically violated copyright law."

Funders of corporate products sabotage and intellectual property disobedience.

The Kosmic Free Music Foundation
An "international not-for-profit organization dedicated to providing free access to original music on the Net, and exploring new ways of distributing artistic creations to the widest possible audience."

The Art of Noises Futurist Manifesto
The Italian Futurist Luigi Russolo rant lauding the beautiful clangor of the modern era.

Against Intellectual Property
An anarchist's perspective

Copyright Law is Wrong
The Viral Communications anti-copyright policy

Anti-Copyright Policy
from The Web's Edge

Kopyright Liberation Front
A British duo that are simultaneously media pranksters and pop stars

The First Church of Chumbawamba
Anarchist agents provocateur.

Pete Russel's anti-copyright policy/rant...

The Evolution Control Committee
Mark Gunderson's masterful audio manipulations of pop culture detritus. Public Enemy and Herb Alpert never sounded so good together.

The Free Music Philosophy
"an anarchistic grass-roots, but high-tech, system of spreading music: the idea that creating, copying, and distributing music must be as unrestricted as breathing air, plucking a blade of grass, or basking in the rays of the sun."

Opposing Copyright Extension
A Forum for Information on Proposals to Extend the Term of Copyright Protection and What to Do about It

Online Audio and Webcasting

Copyright Bill Hits Net Broadcasters
"An amendment to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, passed today by the House, could spell big financial changes for Internet radio stations and other Webcasters."

MP3 News
A thorough and current archive of legislation and news relating to online audio.

Bittersweet Symphony: A Primer on the Law of Webcasting and Digital Music Delivery
About the current laws regulating webcasting.

When does a web radio station need permission from record companies to broadcast sound recordings over the Internet?
Easy-to-understand legal info...


International Trademark Association

Internet Domain Names that Infringe Trademarks

Trademark Wars on the Web

Trademark Law Materials

A Primer on Trademark Law and Internet Addresses.

Intellectual Property Link Lists

Some Myths About Intellectual Property

Copyright & Fair Use: Fair Use and Multmedia Links
from Stanford University Library

CyberSpace Law Center: Intellectual Property Resources

Lawrence Lessig on the Meaning and History of Copyright

Legal Issues at the Institute for Advanced Technology in the Humanities

Copyrights Links
at Yahoo

Intellectual Property Links
at Yahoo

Miscellaneous Resources

The Next Economy Of Ideas
Will Copyright Survive the Napster Bomb? Nope, But Creativity Will. By John Perry Barlow

The Copyright Grab
A NII IPWG "White Paper" critique by Pamela Samuelson (author of an earlier Green Paper critique.

Copyright And Censorship: Past As Prologue?
Another essay by Pamela Samuelson.

The WWW Multimedia Law site
Complete with now updates on Copyright extension proposals and the current state of the NII White Paper.

Formally known as the Intellectual Property and the National Information Infrastructure: The Report of the Working Group on Intellectual Property Rights, this "report" consists of "explanations" of how "intellectual property law" applies to "cyberspace". Well madams and sirs, we don't like it. The Software Publishers Association summed it up with their reaction to the White Paper [from the WSJ, 9/6/95]: "This is great news. Our greatest fear is that the Internet will become a vehicle of free distribution of information."

10 Big Myths about copyright explained

History of Communication Media Technologies
by Kristina Ross

Multimedia Intellectual Property Handbook
at the Electronic Frontier Foundation.

An Intellectual Property Law Primer for Multimedia and Web Developers
An informative primer at the EFF.

Popular Music Under Siege
An ACLU essay on the many ways music has been blamed for the evils in the world.
A newsgroup devoted to intellectual property issues...

The Internet and the Anti-net
Nick Arnett's essay on why "two public internetworks are better than one."

The Problem With Music
Steve Albini's take on exactly HOW screwed up the record industry is.

Negativland, Seeland Records and this website are completely supported by people like you. So if you appreciate what we do here, please consider buying directly from us via Negativmailorderland.