Hawg Buster's Salt EtchingHawg Buster Bait Company began producing hand poured tube baits (gitzits) in 1988. Along the way we invented a process called "Salt Etching." This process thermally bonds a deep layer of salt to the inside of each tube bait. Do not confuse this with dusting, a process where salt is dusted on the lure before it cures. This layer will not wash out, even after extreme use. Fact - Bass do not spit salt: What we and hundreds of others have found is that more often than not bass swallow salt impregnated or etched baits faster than any other enhanced bait on the market. Our testing is conducted under actual field conditions, not in test tanks. Salt Injected vs. Salt Etched: The majority of plastic baits are injected with salt prior to the actual injection of plastisol into the mold cavities. Powdered salt is mixed into the plastisol. Thus we arrive at the process called "Salt Injection." Salt injected plastics tend to be firmer and lack the elasticity commonly found with hand poured baits. The salt in these baits chemically react with plastisol and with shelf time lose elasticity and become brittle. This in no way affects the fish catching abilities of the lure, however the problem one faces is keeping the lure on the jig or hook. Salt Etching is a process invented by Hawg Buster Bait Company in 1988. We thermally bond a deep layer of salt to the inside of each tube bait. Since the salt is not mixed directly into the plastisol, Super Salt Tubes see no reduction in elasticity, extra firmness or brittleness. Now, with all new ZP-23! Invented by the Hawg Buster Bait Company ZP-23 is now being added to the Salt Etching process. The all new ZP-23 is a stimulant, not to be confused with attractants commonly found in various baits. This scientifically advanced formula accelerates the reactionary strike instincts... increasing aggressive behavior well after the strike. If practicing "Catch & Release," we recommend setting the hook immediately to prevent gill or gastric damage. Field tests conducted by the average angler conclude that bass hold ZP-23 longer than any other bait and often swallow lures treated with the new ZP-23.
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