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National Register Bibliography

In the past several years, numerous articles have been written about the National Register of Historic Places and the role it plays in preserving our Nation's historically significant cultural resources. These writings range from general informational articles that explain what the National Register is and how it works, to articles that present specific case studies of communities that have been impacted by listing in the National Register. This bibliography offers a brief overview of recent writings on the National Register, grouped by subject matter.

How Others View Us

Betz, Melanie. "The National Register: Facts, Myths, and Misconceptions." Alabama Heritage 31 (Winter 1994).

Murtagh, William J. "A Guide to the National Register of Historic Places." Historic Hawai'i 16 (January 1990): 4-6.

Nettles, Gail Gene. "Overview of the National Register of Historic Places." Conservancy News 6 (January-February 1989): 8.

25th Anniversary of the National Historic Preservation Act

"25th Anniversary - NHPA/NRHP." Georgia State Parks and Historic Sites Newsletter (April 1992): 2.

Curro, Sandra A., and Betsy Friedberg. "Two MHC Programs Come of Age: National Register Hits Silver Anniversary with 52,000 Properties Listed!" Preservation Advocate, Massachusetts Historical Commission 18 (Summer 1991): 6, 9.

"Happy Birthday: The National Register Turns 25." Los Angeles Conservancy News 13 (May-June 1991): 12.

Heisch, Melvena. "Protecting the Past." Mistletoe Leaves, Oklahoma Historical Society Newsletter, 22 (October 1991): 5.

"National Register is Also 25." Preservation, Newsletter of The Historic Trust of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, 18 (Spring 1991): 3.

The National Register and State Historic Preservation Offices: A Partnership

"State Historic Preservation Offices." The Catalog of Landscape Records in the United States 1 (Winter 1988): 1-2.

Tassin, Leslie P. "Historic Preservation at the State Level." Preservation in Print, Louisiana State Historic Preservation Office, 18 (May 1991): 6.

The National Register and Certified Local Governments

Austin, Kay. "Certified Local Governments." Local Preservation Programs Newsletter (November 1990): 2-3.

"Certified Local Governments and the National Register." Historic South Dakota Newsletter (Summer 1990): 4-6.

"CLG News." Criterion D, Wyoming State Historic Preservation Office (Summer 1991): 3.

Economic Impact of Listing in the National Register: Case Studies

Economic Benefits of Historic Preservation in Maryland. Maryland Historical Trust Survey and Planning Services Division, November 1986.

Economic Benefits from Rehabilitation of Certified Historic Buildings in Georgia. Center for Business and Economic Studies, University of Georgia, March, 1986.

Economic Effects of the Rhode Island Historical Preservation Commission: Program Expenditures from 1971 to 1993. Prepared by the Intergovernmental Policy Analysis Program, University of Rhode Island, 1993.

Economic Impact of the Multiple Resource Nomination to the National Register of Historic Places on the St. Louis Central Business District. Prepared for the Community Development Agency of the City of St. Louis, Missouri, by Economic Research Associates, 5 February 1980.

Faulkner, Sande. "National Register Programs in the NPS Alaska Region." CRM 14 (1991): 30-31.

The Financial Impact of Historic Designation. Report of the Virginia Department of Historic Resources, Senate Document No. 23, 1992.

Garfield, Leonard. "National Register: Downtown Ritzville: Historic District Plays Role in Revitalization." Local Preservation Programs Newsletter (November 1990): 4-5.

Hagedorn-Krass, Martha. "The Effects of Reappraisal on National Register Properties in Kansas." Kansas Preservation 12 (January-February 1990): 7.

"Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credits Lead to Downtown Welch National Register Nomination." Patterns (Spring 1992): 8, 16.

Kahn, Roy. "Doing Well by Doing Good." Historic Preservation 39 (May-June 1987): 64-69.

Leithe, Joni L., et al. The Economic Benefits of Preserving Community Character: A Practical Methodology. Chicago: Government Finance Officers Association, 1991.

Saunders, Tracy. "Low-Income Housing Tax Incentives: Private Investment for Public Good." Preservation in Print, Louisiana State Historic Preservation Office, 15 (August 1988): 17.

Teaching with Historic Places

Boland, Beth M. "Historic Places as Source Material: Utilizing the National Register in Heritage Education." Preservation Forum 6 (January-February 1992): 35-36.

-----. "Where Did History Happen?" Edited by Beth M. Boland. CRM 16: 2 (1993)

Boland, Beth M., and Fay Metcalf. "Teaching with Historic Places." Magazine of History 7 (Spring 1993): 62-68.

Garfield, Leonard. "National Register: History Speaks." Preservation Washington (August 1991): 7.

Hunter, Kathleen. Heritage Education: A Community Partnership. Information Series, National Trust for Historic Preservation, 1993.

Hunter, Kathleen, and Carol D. Shull. "Teaching with Historic Places." Social Education 56 (September 1992).

"National Historic Places Educational Program to Begin." The Mountain Light, Newsletter of the Idaho State Historical Society 31 (Spring 1992): 3.

The National Register and Multiple Property Submissions

"Lima Buildings Designated an Historic Restoration Area." Cornerstone, The Landmark Society of Western New York Newsletter 27 (January-February 1990): 1.

"National Register News." Heritage, Quarterly Newsletter of the Alaska Office of History and Archaeology (October- December 1991): n.p.

Historic District Designation as a Planning Tool

Cassity, Pratt. Maintaining Community Character: How to Establish a Local Historic District. Information Series, National Trust for Historic Preservation, 1993.

Napoli, Donald S. "Historic Preservation in Point Arena, California: A Model for Context-Based Planning." Small Town 21 (March-April 1991): 4-9.

National Register Information System

Federman, Amy. "Using the National Register Database to Assist Interpretation." CRM 14: 1 (1991): 10.

Miller, Diane E. "23 Years of Automating the National Register." CRM 14: 4 (1991): 22-23.

Words from the National Park Service

Rogers, Jerry L. "The Challenge to the Future of the Past." Courier 33 (November 1988): 10-13.

-----. "The National Register as a Fulcrum for Historic Preservation in America." The Public Historian 9 (Spring 1987): 91-104.

Shull, Carol D. "The Future of the National Register." Preservation Forum 1 (Fall 1987): 8-13.

-----. "The National Register After 20 Years." CRM 10 (June 1987): 1+.

United States Department of the Interior. 1988 Historic Preservation Needs Assessment: Report to Congress Regarding the Preservation needs of Historic and Archeological Properties in the United States. Prepared by the National Park Service and State Historic Preservation Officers, May 1989.

-----. Held in Trust: Preserving America's Historic Places. Prepared by Antoinette J. Lee, National Park Service, Interagency Resources Division, 1992.

Property Types: Landscapes

McClelland, Linda F. "What Does the National Register Do For Landscapes?" Courier 34 (August 1989): 25.

-----. "Inventory and Evaluation: Historic Landscapes in the National Register." Proceedings: Landscape Preservation Seminar, University of Massachusetts (March 25 and 26, 1988): 11-21.

Melnick, Robert Z., Daniel Sponn and Emma Jane Saxe. Cultural Landscapes: Rural Historic Districts in the National Park System. Washington, DC: National Park Service, 1984.

Property Types: Maritime

Delgado, James P. "The National Register of Historic Places and Maritime Preservation." APT Bulletin 9 (No. 1, 1987): 34-39.

Property Types: Mining Resources

Noble, Bruce J., Jr. "Evaluating Historic Mining Resources: A National Register Perspective." CRM 12: 2 (1989): 1-4.

Property Types: Traditional Cultural Properties

King, Thomas F. "Beyond Bulletin 38: Comments on the Traditional Cultural Properties Symposium." In CRM Traditional Cultural Properties, edited by Patricia L. Parker (1993): 60-64.

Lee, Antoinette J. "Recognizing Cultural Heritage in the National Historic Preservation Program." In CRM: Traditional Cultural Properties, edited by Patricia L. Parker (1993): 7-8.

Parker, Patricia L. "What You Do and How We Think." National Historic Preservation Program. In CRM: Traditional Cultural Properties, edited by Patricia L. Parker (1993): 1-5.

Shull, Carol. "Traditional Cultural Properties in the National Register of Historic Places: Educating the Public about Cultural Heritage." In CRM: Traditional Cultural Properties, edited by Patricia L. Parker (1993): 6, 8.


Chrisman, Patty Sackett. "A Wealth of Tourist Information...Just a Phone Call Away." Heritage Tourism Initiative Update 2 (Winter 1992): 4-5.

Francaviglia, Richard. "Historic Railway Districts and the National Register of Historic Places." Locomotive & Railway Preservation (January-February 1990): 21-31.

King, Thomas F. "Is There a Future for the National Register?" The Forum 4 (December 1982).

Savage, Beth L. "Disappearing Ducks and Other Recent Relics." In CRM: Cultural Resources from the Recent Past, edited by Rebecca A. Shiffer (1993) 23-25.

Shull, Carol D. and Keith A. Sculle. "Response to The Forum on `Is There a Future for the National Register?'" The Forum 5 (April 1983).

NOTE: Jennifer A. Meisner, a graduate student in architecture at the University of Washington and an intern at the National Register in 1993, originally compiled this bibliography. The bibliography first appeared in CRM, Volume 17, Number 2, in 1994.

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