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You can advertise your fishing service or product here.  Click here for rates.

Charter Captains and Fishing Guides can register for a free listing on our site.  Create your listing online.

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Find The Fish
& The NetWork
All Rights Reserved


This is a very new Web Site and it will take some time to add all the content that we have planned for the site.  We hope you will be patient with our efforts.  It really is a very time-consuming task.  We really are having a lot of fun doing it.  (And actually if is coming along at a fairly rapid pace)

It is our intention to provide a wealth of information both for those interested in fishing and for those who make their living as a Charter Captain or Guide.  Below is a listing of some of the information we plan on providing:

Listing of Charters & Guides - listing for each state in the U.S.; each province in Canada; and other countries.

Fishing tips - tips from a variety of sources on all major game fish

Fishing store - we will offer a wide range of fishing products

Regional fishing reports - in time we will have regional fishing reports from major points everywhere.

State fishing license information - links to state/province fishing license information.  Where possible we will include links to where you can purchase them online.

Polls - fun and interesting polls relating to fishing

Fishing articles - articles about fishing and the outdoors from a variety of sources.

Fishing news - from a variety of sources.

Links to manufacturers - fishing tackle, rods & reels, boats, motors, electronics, etc

Links to dozens of fishing rings - every fishing ring around the world that we can find will be included

Newsletter - visitors can sign up for a newsletter that will cover many topics concerning fishing and the outdoors.

Message Board - Talk Forum - open message board for any discussion about fishing or the outdoors.  You can have your own forum.

Web Site design - services to create or remodel your website.  (We have been web designers since 1995)

Web Site hosting - host your web site with us.  Very reasonable pricing for feature rich hosting.

We're open to suggestions of what else you might wish to see on our web site.

Free listing of services - List your charter or guide services for FREE

Business Tips - general business tips as well as those specific to the fishing industry

Bookkeeping and Accounting information - information and sources for proper record-keeping and business practices

Advertising information - pros and cons of various forms of advertising.  Input welcome.

Insurance discussion - discussion of various types of insurance and suggestions for different types of coverage.  Will include links to insurance sources.

Web Site design - services to create or remodel your website.  (We have been web designers since 1995)

Web Site hosting - host your web site with us.  Very reasonable pricing for feature rich hosting.

Links to manufacturers - fishing tackle, rods & reels, boats, motors, electronics, etc

Polls - fun and interesting polls including some relating to charters and guides.

Find the Fish email accounts - get an email account with your name or business

Message Board - Talk Forum - open message board for any discussion about fishing or the outdoors.  You can have your own forum.  If there is enough interest, we will make a private message board available that is only for Charter Captains and Guides.

We're open to suggestions of what else you might wish to see on our web site.


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