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Overall Score: 15046
Member Since: Jan 10, 2004
Average Teaser Popularity: *** (2.18)
Average Teaser Difficulty: *** (2.59)
Location: MN USA
Message Board Posts: 8
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A Message from cnmne

Remember 11 September 2001

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Teasers Submitted

Title Category Votes Popularity Difficulty
1 Anagram Riddle 6 Riddle 41  *** (2.97)  *** (2.68)
2 Five Siblings Riddle 87  *** (2.92)  *** (2.8)
3 Trios Group 100  *** (2.91)  *** (2.9)
4 Anagram Riddle Riddle 83  *** (2.87)  *** (2.49)
5 Dictionary of World Capitals Other 37  *** (2.82)  *** (2.75)
6 Boundary of a Sleep Image Rebus 44  *** (2.77)  ** (1.55)
7 Greek Mythology Trivia 105  *** (2.74)  *** (2.19)
8 Celebrity Challenge Rebus 97  *** (2.74)  *** (2.43)
9 Fish Lingo Language 31  *** (2.71)  **** (3.26)
10 Operation: Mammal-Ectomy Language 33  *** (2.66)  *** (2.81)
11 Animal Life Trivia 84  *** (2.64)  *** (2.19)
12 Word Fusion Language 42  *** (2.6)  ** (1.95)
13 Matched Pairs Group 46  *** (2.56)  *** (2.8)
14 Fake Stone Riddle 47  *** (2.55)  *** (2.13)
15 Anagram Riddle 4 Riddle 59  *** (2.51)  **** (3.27)
16 Cast a Net Group 51  *** (2.51)  *** (2.64)
17 Anagram Riddle 3 Riddle 53  *** (2.49)  *** (2.15)
18 Elementary Education Group 59  *** (2.47)  *** (2.78)
19 States of the Union Trivia 73  *** (2.45)  *** (2.34)
20 Braving the Elements Group 64  *** (2.43)  **** (3.84)

cnmne's Favorites

Title Category Votes Popularity Difficulty
1 Life or Death? The Emperor's Proposition Probability 199  *** (3.03)  ** (1.89)
2 Watchman Other 191  *** (3.03)  ** (1.74)
3 Timepieces Riddle 255  *** (3.02)  *** (2.35)
4 Einsteins Riddle Riddle 375  *** (3.02)  *** (3.1)
5 O_er_t_o_ Rebus 329  *** (2.99)  *** (2.67)
6 Six Letters it Contains Riddle 110  *** (2.93)  ** (1.35)
7 Epitaphs Language 97  *** (2.93)  ** (2.08)
8 The Captive Assassin Trick 143  *** (2.92)  *** (2.28)
9 The Tea Party Logic 123  *** (2.89)  ** (1.64)
10 Two Blind Men Other 124  *** (2.89)  ** (2.08)

Users in Chat chat Sane, Tispark, El-ahrairah, BAdHaBitS_005, monkeysrock
Online: Mad-Ade, follydog, sargedude, shutup090, I_am_the_0mega, ixilight_raven, El-ahrairah, Tispark, Sane, mimi007, solarsistim321, flyer, hypercraze1024, tyler_1993, Private_Joker, emerisle, GymnstNiki9, BAdHaBitS_005, Brainiac_not, snowman, billybob_thorton, laurensaplayboy, stormtrooper, something, monkeysrock, Daredevil, badbunnee, ashrose, ingtusa, marchaltown, ace_of_spades, k_tiwari, cricket, Conrad, musicdude, condoravenue, maiar, Kinergy, Caseysboo, sjcampbell830, marchhare, cdrock, Therulerofthem, knbrain, jpfrank1, Jessica, KBWY, theketchupwins, trailmix, wizzy853, SAXJT123, Saxaphone1215, and 231 Guests
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