Alexa Crawls
Starting in 1996,
Alexa Internet has been donating their crawl data to the Internet Archive. Flowing in every day, these data are added to the
Wayback Machine after an embargo period.
Crawl EB from Alexa Internet. This data is currently not publicly accessible.
The Wayback Machine -
| RHF Joke Archives could be raining. (Flavio Rizzardi)
(topical, smirk, sick)
This morning I met a colleague outside our office building. It was cold,
it rained, neither of us had an umbrella and we were both weighted with
suitcases and portable computers. In short, we were miserable.
In my best Marty Feldman impersonation I said, "Well, it could be worse."
Without missing a beat, my colleague replied "Yeah, we could be vacationing
in the Maldive Islands."
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