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Welcome to the city of fashion, business, and luxury. Let the magnificence of Milan’s architectural highlights and piazzas charm you as you enjoy the liveliness of its streets and elegance of its shops and cafes. Thanks to Armani, Prada, Dolce, Gabbana and many others, the city now dazzles as the global epicenter of chic. Fashion aficionados, supermodels and international paparazzi descend upon the city twice a year for its spring and autumn fairs, while the world looks on. The parallel avenues of Via Montenapoleone and Via della Spiga, situated in the heart of the city, host Europe's trendiest boutiques. Predictably, clothes's shopping is a major pastime in Milan with many of the major and independent fashion houses having stores in the city.

There is an interesting blend of modern innovation and well-established cultural tradition within the city. Today, Milan is a commercial powerhouse and the leading financial and manufacturing center of the country. It is a home to Italy's stock market and business centers, over 400 banks and major industrial companies, the hub of publishing, silk production, TV and advertising, it also lies close to Italy's densest collection of automobile-assembly plants.

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Milan city map

On other hand Milan is a residence of the Conservatory of Music, the Art Academy, La Scala, the most famous opera house in the world, and a long list of famous art galleries and libraries. Its captivating, 14th century rose-marbled Duomo Cathedral offers a stunning view over Milan from its roof.

Food is another one of Milan's joys. Immigrants dish up eclectic cuisines to the delight of denizens and visitors alike. When you're tired of exquisite Lombard, Sicilian and Tuscan dishes, here you'll be able to find a fragrant bowl of pho or a spicy curry. Milan is certainly the best place to see Italy at its most cosmopolitan and stylish.

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Hotels by categories
Budget Milan hotels
Tourist class Milan hotels
Standart class Milan hotels
First class Milan hotels
Luxury Milan hotels
Hotels by price
Milan hotels for < 100 Euro
Milan hotels for < 200 Euro
Milan hotels for > 200 Euro
Hotels by facilities
Milan hotels for business
Milan hotels for children
Hotels by location
Duomo Cathedral
Museo Teatrale alla Scala
Galleria d'Arte Moderna
Pinacoteca di Brera
Castello Sforzesco
Santa Maria delle Grazie
Basilica di Sant'Ambrogio
Stazione Centrale
Aeroporto Malpensa


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