Click the Coupon to request your free month. We will reply with your promotion link within 15 minutes from 8am - 5pm Monday - Friday Privacy Policy When you sign up for Vontage® VoIP internet phones, you will be able to start using your Vontage® internet telephone! The advantage of Vontage® internet phones is endless. When you sign up for Vontage® internet phone service you will have the option to keep your existing phone number, or to get a new one. You are also able to get an additional area code when you sign up for Vontage® internet phone service. By getting another area code outside your current calling code, Vontage® allows contacts in the area code you pick to call you for the price of a local call! Vontage® Virtual Phone Numbers are just one of the many benefits that you get when you sign up for Vontage® internet telephone service. Don't delay, make sure you sign up for Vontage® today and take advantage of all the features.
When you sign up for Vontage® VoIP internet telephone service, you will get FREE caller ID, FREE Voicemail, FREE Caller ID Blocker, plus much more! Using Vontage® internet phones allows you to keep in touch with all of your international contacts. There is no need to worry about anything, Vontage® internet phones work just like a regular phone, except that its an internet phone. Vontage® provides you with a free adapter that plugs into the back of your existing high-speed internet connection. Once you have the Vontage® adapter hooked up, just plug your phone into the adapter, and you can use your internet phone instantly! Vontage® Internet phones are the best way to keep in touch with friends and family. Get Vontage® internet telephone service today and start saving on your montyly phone bill!
Read a Vontage® ReviewI love Vontage. Buying a Vontage internet phone was the best thing I have done. I think that its awesome that you can have FREE caller ID and FREE voicemail and other stuff. Once I signed up for Vontage online, they shipped my my Vontage adapter with the wires that I needed and I hooked it up. It only took like 2 minutes to hook it up. I didn't have to make an appointment and wait around all day to have it installed. I installed my Vontage internet phone when I wanted to. I love being able to keep track of all the calls I make on the Vontage website. Plus, I can listen to my Vontage messages right from my compter. This Vontage internet phone is so cool. Everyone should get an internet phone from Vontage. - Jamie, New York Vontage® The Broadband Phone CompanySM Business Rate Plan Offers:Sign up for the Vontage®Business Premium Unlimited Plan and get unlimited calls anywhere. Sign up for the Vontage®Small Business Basic Plan and take advantage of 1500 local and long distance minutes. Vontage® The Broadband Phone CompanySM Residential Rate Plan Offers:Sign up for the Vontage® Premium Unlimited Plan that includes unlimited calling in the United States, and calls to Canada. Sign up for the Vontage®Unlimited Local Plus 500 Plan which offers unlimited local and regional calling plus 500 minutes of long distance. Vontage® Internet Phones:Great Features: In Network Calling: When you call any other Vontage® user, you can talk for free every single month. Vontage® lets you talk to any other Vontage® user anytime for free. No more worrying about minutes. Vontage® makes it eas. Ring Lists: If you have a Vontage® Virtual Phone Number or a Vontage® toll free number, ring lists let you set it up so that they ring all your Vontage® lines at the same time. If you gave somebody your Virtual Phone Number, you can set it up to that every Vontage® line you own will ring when they dial the Virtual Number you gave them. Vontage® allows you to never miss a call again! Vontage® SoftPhone: Turn your laptop into a cordless phone. Vontage® allows you to use your notebook to make and receive calls. You can also make it so that your SoftPhone rings when your other lines ring. Find more great features that are offered from Vontage® internet phone service
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Vonnage Internet Phones More Got an old phone that just doesn't work anymore? Upgrade to a Cordless Phone to use with your new Internet Phone Service Privacy Policy We will never disclose your email to thrid-parties. We use your email to reply with your promotion link only. We are against spamming and unsolicited emails. Our primary concern is your satisifaction. We are an official reseller of Vontage Internet Phones |