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why us

Why "Go4Promotion" for SEO?

Our core technology is web-based and automated, resulting in the best possible pricing to you.
Our unique model ‘SOP’ (S= Submission O=Optimization P=Promotion) helps you get the maximum ROI.
Consultation – While automation is the cornerstone that powers our technology, we realize it is only part of the total solution. Our consulting staff can provide quick, effective solutions for any SEO-related barriers outside the realm of what our technologies will handle.
Time management - Our service will save your money by freeing your time from redundant SEO tasks, so you can focus more effectively on your site content.
SEO Packages – We have packages to suit all of your search engine optimization needs.
Focused on one mission: RELEVANT TRAFFIC
Results - We get your site positioned higher under relevant search terms.
Dozens of major innovations ensure that the Go4Promotion’s solution will remain the pre-eminent search engine optimization tool, keeping you ahead of your competition.
Always up-to-date – We constantly stay in tune with the latest search engine trends for you.
Increased web site "stickiness" - people will be more likely to bookmark your site and stay longer, because they have already found your site under relevant keyword terms.

Challenging the MARKET

Sr.No. Basis Go4promotion Indiamart Tradeindia
1 Cost incurred 4500 9000 7000
2 Pages promoted Complete website One One
3 Platform
4 No of submission 4 1 1
5 Duration 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year
6 Visibility of traffic Yes No No
7 Discount on renewals Yes No No
8 No. Of Queries 360 annually 150 annually 150 annually
9 Contribute Business Keywords Yes No No
10 Promotion Reports Yes No No

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