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Home Mortgage Calculators :: Loan Calculator ::

Home Mortgage Calculators

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Home Mortgage



Home Affordability
The home affordability calculator helps you determine your maximum affordable home price based on monthly income, debts, interest rates and the length of your loan.
Home Affordability

Home Mortgage
The Home Mortgage Loan Calculator helps you analyze home mortgage loans. How much can you afford to borrow for how long at what interest rate?
Home Mortgage

Fixed vs Adjustable Rate
The Fixed vs. Adjustable calculator will help you determine whether you should choose an fixed rate loan or an adjustable rate loan. The interest rate for a fixed rate loan stays the same for the life of the loan. But with an adjustable rate mortgage (ARM), the interest rate fluctuates periodically based on an index like the U.S. Treasury Security Yields (1 Year T Bill), the Cost of Funds Index (COFI) and the London Inter-Bank Offer Rate (LIBOR).
Fixed vs Adjustable Rate

Rent vs Buy
This calculator allows you to estimate the costs of owning a home and the costs of renting and allows you to evaluate which option to take by comparing them. There are several factors determining the overall costs of renting or owning.
Rent vs Buy

Down Payment
The Should I pay more down? calculator will help you compare the benefits of different down payment options. For example, if you have high savings rate, you may want to make a lower down payment and keep the rest of money in the bank collecting interest. For most homebuyers it makes sense to make a higher down payment because it will result in lower monthly payments and less interest paid on the loan.
Down Payment

Mortgage Points
The Points vs. No Points calculator will help you determine whether or not paying for points is the best option for you. Points are sometimes referred to as loan discount points. Points are prepaid interest on your loan. Usually, homebuyers will pay points to lower the interest rate and save on taxes, since points usually tax deductible as interest, You may want to follow the rule of thumb that says that the longer you intend to keep the loan, the more points you should consider.
Mortgage Points

The "Should I Refinance?" calculator will help you determine whether refinancing your loan for a lower interest rate is a wise decision for you. While a lower interest rate will mean lower monthly payments and less total interest, a refinance will also mean paying closing costs and, in some cases, points. If the monthly savings exceeds these closing costs, refinancing is a good option.

Bi Weekly
The Biweekly Mortgage Calculator helps you analyze your mortgage needs. It computes the biweekly mortgage payment in comparison to the regular mortgage.
Bi Weekly



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