Modern Birthstones
Please click the link below for the official list of birthstones adopted in 1912 by the American National Association of Jewelers.
Modern Birthstones
Traditional Birthstones
Traditional birthstone lists can vary, and there are sometimes more than one accepted stone for each month, as they derive from many cultures, customs, and beliefs. Please click the traditional birthstone link below for a listing of more common traditional birthstones.
Traditional Birthstones
Ayurvedic Birthstones
Tha Ayurvedic birthstone list is taken from traditional Indian medicine and beliefs. Click this link for a listing of Ayurvedic birthstones
Ayurvedic Birthstones
Mystical Birthstones
Mystical Birthstones have a Tibetan origin and date back over a thousand years. Choose this link for a list of Mystical Birthstones.
Mystical Birthstones
Zodiac Birthstones
Zodiac Birthstones correspond to your Sun Sign based upon the Zodiac charts, rather than your month of birth. Click this link for a listing of Zodiac Birthstones.
Zodiac Birthstones