Check your credit report before filing bankruptcy to make sure you have properly listed your debts and creditors. Generally you would list all items from your credit report in your personal bankruptcy in addition to any other items you know exist that may not be on your credit report. For example, if you have a collection that is not on your credit report, but which you know exists, list it also in the filing.
Including all items on your credit report in your bankruptcy may also help you to make sure your credit report is accurate after your bankruptcy.
Check your credit report after bankruptcy also to make sure the items on your credit report have been properly reflected as a result of your bankruptcy. Items discharged in bankruptcy should show a zero balance on your credit report.
A bankruptcy can stay on your credit report as long as 10 years under federal law. Items discharged in bankruptcy would normally only stay on your credit report for 7 years even though they have zero balances.
Credit Counseling may be a reasonable alternative for those feeling financially stressed or maybe even for those contemplating bankruptcy.......... more information on Credit Counseling