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to Sarasota Medical & Sports Hypnosis Institute Online. This
is our Disease Prevention Department. This is an interactive
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Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht
OUR PROGRAMS - Hypnosis is not alternative medicine, but a very important aspect of medical care. This is the aspect where the patient has the power to heal & manage the treatment. The emotional component is huge in any medical diagnosis & especially so in oncology. We have +350 programs, many designed for preventing disease. Here are a few. Click on the links to find their description. A full list of available programs can be found by clicking on the top link in the yellow column. As you learn to manage your body physiology in the moment with interactive self-hypnosis, you will be able to sense the changes. Your emotions will stabilize, as well as your thought patterns. Stress, pain & body sensations are closely connected. You, the patient, can improve what you are sensing by utilizing these tools. You will also come to notice that as you gain control, the hopeless-helpless spiral is contained & even your relationships with those around you can change for the better. There is much we can do to prevent disease. Each & every moment of the day we have the opportunity to choose prevention or choose disease. Some of these moments have to do with nutrition, others with how we manage stress & yet others how we program our subconscious minds. Knowledge is king. Here you will be introduced to actual tools including interactive hypnosis, imagery, awareness meditation & the nutritional link to the workings of your mind & body connections! Developing Persistence & Perseverance How Hypnosis Works in Disease Prevention Mental Biofeedback & Body Communications Awareness Meditation & Other Inner Tools The Nutrition Link to Disease Prevention WHO WE ARE In addition, listeners program their minds for emotional & thought management related to the subject at hand, changing what is necessary & enhancing what is needed. Managing thoughts & emotions is key to high level performance. You can review our + 350 interactive self-hypnosis programs by shopping the department links, or go directly to our product list. Each link leads to descriptions & formats available. Here is a working example of what you will find in our list. We offer one of the largest selections of self-hypnosis programs available in the world. As medical & staff development professionals, our programs cover some of the most important lifestyle changes & integrate our knowledge in patient care, employee health, stress management & high level performance. Our programs are utilized in schools, hospitals, workplaces & by individuals for personal health & development on all continents. We also design programs to meet specific needs. Our programs are available to HR Professionals, schools, & hospitals at discounted rates through International Medical & Health Writers. Publishers, editors & literary agents interested in representing our work are invited to contact us directly. We offer FREE articles for online publication to serious & professional websites, as well as to workplace newsletters & ezines. Join our direct mailing list & never have to look for an article again ! Mind-Body Fitness Boot Camp
In this article I thought to review some of the background to this program, including the mechanisms of going inside, evaluating the level of damage, and reviewing some of the tools for rebuilding and enhancing ourselves. As managers of ourselves and other people, we need to be aware of smoldering embers, and how to prevent this from happening. It is important to become familiar, not only with the signs and symptoms of burnout, but also of the prodromals, the warning lights. These may not be the same for everyone. Burnout is defined as the depleting of oneself; the exhausting of one’s physical and mental resource. It is to wear oneself out by excessive striving to reach some unrealistic expectation imposed by oneself, or by the values of society. It is a total mind/body experience, reflecting a wide variety of symptoms. Some very common ones include anxiety, panic, general uneasiness, inability to relax, sleep disorders, fatigue often leading to exhaustion,, high blood pressure, chronic pain including headaches, backaches, arrhythmia’s, emotional instability, depression, irritability, indecisiveness, inability to concentrate, PMS, cravings, loss of libido, and a host of chronic medical problems. Many of these lead to maladaptive coping mechanisms including the self-destructive behaviors of overworking, hyperactivity, procrastination, overeating and leading to substance dependency including drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, caffeine and food, especially high carbohydrates and fat. If there is no intervention, breakdown can occur which often shows itself as physical and psychological exhaustion, loss of drive, heart attack, cancer, and other disease states based on genetic predispositions. While all people can burn out, some are more susceptible than others. Besides alleviating the burnout problem, the tools we utilize have the added advantages of increasing productivity, concentration, focusing, memory recall, and aid in accelerated learning. These tools target excellence; excellence without burnout. Holistic Key #1: Managing Food Stress The way to manage burnout is to avoid it. Therefore, everyone must be following a multi-faceted self disciplined plan. The first facet of the plan must be aimed at food stress. Most people pay very little attention to what they put into their bodies in the form of food or drink. In fact, most bodies don’t know what to expect. Sometimes they get breakfast, sometimes they don’t. Many days they are loaded with junk, and other days they are put on some sort of a diet. While many people are trying to eat healthier, research shows we still may be eating incorrectly for our own body needs. 75% of the population carry a gene known as Profactor H, or the caveman gene. This hereditary factor guides the way our body responds to certain foods, especially high carbohydrate foods, by over-producing the hormone insulin. Insulin is a fat-storer, and even if we do not have a problem with our weight, when we burn glucose instead of fat our mind and body are headed towards illness. If we are eating a diet too low in fat, and too high in carbohydrates the body will store all food as fat. If we have a tendency towards this Profactor, we need to be careful about which carbohydrates we chose, how often we eat them, and the amounts at each meal. We need to be aware of the balance between our intake of protein, fat and carbohydrates. Once the balance is in place, the body can start burning fat, which is the ideal biochemical state. It is also important to note that Profactor H is the underlying link to major killers including heart disease, adult onset diabetes, atherosclerosis, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, certain cancers including breast, ovary and uterus, and is a link to smoking, yo-yo weight gain, panic, anxiety and many other S&S of burnout. Holistic Key #2: Interactive Self-Hypnosis Working with Body Sensations, Thoughts and Emotions The body communicates with us through our body feelings or sensations. Whenever we feel tension, that is an attempt of the body to let us know it is under physical stress. Most of us never pay any attention to this body communication, especially on low levels. We do pay lots of attention once the sensations begin screaming at us, such as in neck spasms, backache, indigestion, heart palpitations, dizziness, headaches, to name a few. Sometimes we notice our emotional instability and our inability to control these feelings such as anger, depression, impatience, intolerance, and judgment of ourselves and others. By this time the stress chemicals in the body are very high, and seriously interfering with our ability to function on all levels. We can learn to mange this by retraining the brain to release the stress chemicals on lower levels. This activity is done on a subconscious level. "Interactive Self-Hypnosis" is a variety of techniques which put the person in charge of managing his own body chemistry. When we teach our brain to be aware and release low stressors, we do not need to be alerted. The brain becomes an excellent employee, doing it’s job for us. We can also train the brain to notice and release negative chemical producing thoughts and emotions which appear and which are not needed for our functioning at that time. These techniques are very powerful, and allow the mind to clear itself and be available for the work at hand. Most people suffering from burnout, anxiety, panic, depression, sleep disorders, poor concentration, memory and pain have what is known as "run-away brain syndrome." The mind is continuously running all by itself with no guidance or direction. This is very stress-chemical producing, and a person in this chemical state has little chance of moving towards a worthwhile goal. They are basically caught in the stress cycle which is self-fulfilling. To make matters worse, the brain sees this "syndrome" as the goal, and works hard to keep it going. "Interactive Self-Hypnosis" utilizes sensory imaging techniques to move past obstacles or the perceived problem, and on to greener pastures. These techniques are health producing, as the body works to manufacture healing chemicals when the person places herself in this state. These chemicals actually boost the immune system, and work to reverse the disease process or burnout. We know that 60-90% of disease processes are stress related. So, we could say that 60-90% of your health outcomes are up to you! © All rights protected Self - Development Questions
© Sarasota Medical Hypnosis Institute & Therapeutic Work Environments 2000. May be copied for personal use, but not reprinted without permission.