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Press Statement Dated October 4th 1999

Total Collapse of Lough Sheelin Feared

The Shannon Fishery Board is extremely concerned at the decline in water quality on Lough Sheelin. Reports indicate that the lake is now suffering the worst Algal Bloom in its history. Fears are growing that if conditions continue to deteriorate fish stocks will again be decimated and the ecology of the lake seriously damaged. Despite the best efforts of the Fisheries Board, Cavan County Council, Anglers and other groups the problems on Lough Sheelin persist.

The recent Lough Derg/Ree Report and EPA Report confirms the poor status of Lough Sheelin and shows the Catchment to be one of the most high risk areas in the Region. Since 1982 the environment on Lough Sheelin has been knife-edge, but never so close to collapse.

The Shannon Board believes that only a radical rethink of attitudes towards the discharge of effluent can halt the drastic decline in our water quality. The Board has been outlining the critical siuation of our water quality for many years and this has now been confirmed by two independent reports. 

The Board urges the immediate implementation of the recommendations contained in the Lough Derg, Lough Ree Catchment Monitoring & Management Systems Group Report which is believed is the only way forward.

The Board will raise the Sheelin situation with the Minister for the Marine and Natural Resources, Dr Michael Woods at a meeting to take place next week to discuss water quality issues. A meeting is also been sought with Cavan County Council to seek ways in which the crisis on the lake can be addressed.

As Lough Sheelin's problems are largely emanating from the farming sector we have also requested a meeting with the IFA to seek their co-operation and assistance in reducing the input of phosphates to the lake. 

End of Statement

Press Statement Dated September 6th 1999

Subject: Radical Rethink in Attitude needed to Halt Drastic Decline in Water Quality

The Shannon Regional Fisheries Board at a special meeting stated that it is having difficulty in maintaining fish stocks with the present crises in water quality within the Shannon Region

The Shannon Board reviewed the recently published EPA Report on Water Quality in Ireland. The Board also reviewed the recently published Management Proposals on the Lough Derg & Lough Ree Catchment Monitoring and Management Group. This report confirms the EPA findings on declining water quality. The Board fully supports the recommendations of the Lough Derg/Lough Ree Report, but from a Fisheries point of view it does not go far enough, nonetheless if implemented would prove an excellent start. These recommendations must be implemented urgently.

The Board urges the Government to make the necessary resources available to ensure the Management Proposals implementation.

The Shannon Fisheries Board have adopted a series of measures in its continued efforts to arrest declining fish habitats due to high levels of pollution.

Included in these measures are:

  • Development of a Public Awareness Campaign on the effects of pollution on water quality and fish habitats.

  • Seeking of additional special resources to deal with the crises on our waters.

  • A review of the present utilisation of resources to target hot spot pollution areas

  • The Board also host a major conference to highlight the present crises on our rivers and lakes, which are affecting local rural economies through lack of tourism due to poor angling because of poor water quality.

The sustainable management of our waters can only be achieved by the partnership approach now being adopted for our waters and the fisheries therein.

The Shannon Board believes that only a radical rethink of our attitudes towards pollution control can halt the drastic decline in our water quality.

End of Statement

For further comment contact Mr Eamon Cusack, Chief Officer.

Press Statement Dated February 24th 1999

The Shannon Regional Fisheries Board wishes to announce that the Minister for the Marine and Natural Resources Dr Michael Woods T.D. has signed a Bye-Law deferring the opening of the Trout Angling Season on Lough Derg and its Tributaries, from the 24th February, 1999 to the 17th March, 1999

  See Archived Press Releases for 1999 - 2000 - 2001 - 2002 - 2003 - 2004



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The Shannon Regional Fisheries Board
Bord Iascaigh Réigiúnach na Sionainne
Ashbourne Business Park, Dock Road, Limerick, Rep of Ireland
Tel: 061 300238 Fax: 061 300308