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Sarasota Medical & Sports Hypnosis Institute

Executive Creativity Department

Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht
Clinical Medical & Sports Hypnotherapist
President & Program Designer
1715 Stickney Point Road  Ste. C-7
Sarasota, FL  34231         941-923-5763

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CD - 80 minutes - 2-3 sessions - $19.95 
Audio Cassette - 55 minutes - $14.95 
Downloads - $19.95

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Private Office or Online Sessions - Lifestyle Change Coaching Information

Secure Ordering - CREDIT CARDS

Information for Publishers, Editors, & Literary Agents.  Pricing Discounts for Human Resources,  Business Educators, Schools,   Hospitals, Libraries

Sports Coaching - Team Discounts Available

Therapists - Enhance Your Practice with our CD Programs

Web Business Owners - Grow Your Profits with our Programs

International Medical & 
Health Writers Ltd.

Book & CD Series

Sugar...the Hidden Eating Disorder &
How to Lick It

Shop by Department

Weight Loss & Eating Disorders 
Disorderly Eating 
Sugar Addiction

Medical Diagnosis Hypnosis
 & Treatment

Oncology Diagnosis 
& Treatment

Personal Development
Kids Personal Development   
Phobias & Compulsions
Awareness & Accelerated Learning    
Learn Interactive Self-Hypnosis 
Affirmation Hypnosis
Executive &
College &  Student 
Adult Sports
Kids Sports
Discounted  Packages

Secure Ordering 

Free mp3 Downloads

Managing Carbohydrates - Sugar Issues
Managing Addictive Personality Patterns
Managing Self-Destructive Work Habits

Ezine & Contact

Free Ezine
Questions to Program Designer

Moderated Educational 
Discussion Groups

Licking Sugar Addiction 
Managing Eating Disorders
Interactive Self-Hypnosis 
Accelerated Learning 
Nail Biting, Skin Picking& Hair Pulling
Pain Management
Workplace Stress Management
Pregnancy, & Birthing
Fear & Phobia Management
Walking Motivation
Eating Disorders & Life Issues Journaling
Workplace Stress Management Journaling
Interactive Self-Hypnotic Journaling

MindBody Fitness 
Boot Camp

About the Boot Camp
Table of Contents

Boot Camp Online Discussion Group
MindBody Fitness Boot Camp CD  Series MindBody Fitness Boot Camp CD  Series MindBody Fitness Boot Camp CD  Series

Educational Departments

Sugar Addiction
Weight Loss
Adult Addictions
Chronic Disease
Disease Prevention
Chronic & Acute Pain Management
Oncology & Treatment
Accelerated Learning Mind Tools
Self Hypnosis Education
Fears & Phobias
Adult Habits
Social Anxiety
Adult Mind Game Sports
Kids Mind Game Sports
Kids Self-Improvement
Kids Health
Kids Learning Mind Tools
Kids Habits
Executive & Workplace Health
Executive & Workplace Performance
Executive & Workplace  Creativity
Executive & Workplace Stress
Personal & Workplace Relationships
Affirmation Mind Programming

Interactive Areas

Sugar Addiction Q & A
Sugar Addiction Archives
Disorderly Eating  Q & A
Self-Hypnosis - Q & A  
Article Library
Executive Personality & Development 
Inner Journaling Workshops.
Inside the Self-Hypnosis Workshop..
Daily Motivators

Educational EZboards

Licking Sugar Addiction
Holistic Weight Loss 
Self-Hypnosis Education 
Accelerated Learning 
Avoiding Workplace Burnout 

Small Scoop Articles - short reads that open minds !!
Preventing Diabetes by Managing 
E motional & Compulsive Eating

Ready for 2004......or not?
Licking Sugar Addiction
Working with Emotional Crayons
Cleaning Up Disorderly Eating with 
Mind Power
Breaking the Sugar Addiction Habit
Losing Weight?  
The Need to Manage
Training Your Brain is Smart !
Mind Muddles & Goal Achieving
Mind Adventures - Walking & 
Working Through Old Failures
Developing Your Inner Coach
Moving Past Resistance & 
Opening to Suggestion
Addictive, Compulsive, 
Obsessive Behavior Management
Releasing Anger with 
Interactive Self-Hypnosis

Welcome to Sarasota Medical & Sports Hypnosis Institute Online.  This is our Executive Creativity Department. This is an interactive educational website filled with a multitude of  opportunities for learning.  Always feel free to contact me with any questions you may have about our educational programs or choosing the best CD program for you.   Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht


Our +350 programs are written & recorded in original interactive self-hypnosis that was designed by Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht, President & Program Designer.  This type of self-hypnosis allows the listener to change mind programs in a trance state as well as "in the moment."  Each program teaches these techniques in actual trance work.

Here are links to a few programs designed specifically for our Executive Creativity Department.  A full list can be reviewed by clicking on the first link in the yellow column.

Accelerating Learning

Memory Recall

Inner Organization

Time Managing

Enhanced Self-Discipline Tools for High Level Achievers

Enhanced Focus & Inner Flow for High Level Achieving 

Mind-Body Fitness Boot Camp
The Boot Camp is an original "self-discovery" program that is offered FREE online & is an excellent place to learn interactive self-hypnotic applications & to enhance creativity.  The focus is lifestyle change & high level performance.  Here you will learn to set & activate goals, manage emotions & negative brain cloud, curb addictions, challenge disorderly eating, manage & release stress, accelerate learning, experience high level health & optimum performance through the applications of original interactive self-hypnosis.  The Boot Camp also has an email discussion group moderated by the author & program designer.
About the Boot Camp


The following links will take you to some special creative areas.

Executive Personality & Development 
Inner Journaling Workshops.
Inside the Self-Hypnosis Workshop..
Daily Motivators

Everyone is creative!
  Your level of creativity is determined by how well you utilize your mind & body connections.    Everyone can enhance their level of creativity!  This website is filled with hundreds of pages to help you do just that.  If you entered this website through this page directly, I suggest you also visit the main program page link below.  This is the very best place to see the scope of the website & the subjects that interest you.

Question:  I am a second college student & have to write many papers.  I have no trouble coming up with ideas, but I can't seem to get started & then writer's block sets in. How can I avoid this?  ANSWER

The focus question today is very interesting.  The utilization of specialized imagery for moving through a block is very powerful, even more than we ever thought.  The actual block becomes the catalyst for opening the door of the subconscious mind, thereby enhancing creative thought.  As one learns to recognize even smaller blocks, one can learn to access the subconscious mind more frequently.

Setting Up a Plan

Developing Self-Discipline

Developing Persistence & Perseverance

Developing Inner Motivation

How Hypnosis Works in Creativity Enhancement 

It is important to develop mind tools.   Less than 2% of the population know to utilize these tools of accelerated learning & creativity.  The tools are easy to learn & become more powerful each time you practice.  Individuals expressing high levels of creativity practice these throughout their day, & even in their dream states.

 Mental Biofeedback & Body Communications

Awareness Meditation & Other Inner Tools

The Nutrition Link to Improved Mind Performance &   Levels of Creative Thought

Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht

nteractive Self-Hypnosis  allows us to move from a sometimes uncomfortable mindbody state, to one of optimum health and performance. If you have been with other articles in our library,  you are already practicing mental biofeedback and awareness meditation. Your focus and mind flexibility are improving. You are learning to observe the workings of your thought and emotional processes, noticing how they are connected to your body communications. You are beginning to see the big picture.

If you haven't reviewed those articles as yet, I do suggest you do so.  When playing baseball it is important to touch first & second before going to third. Interactive Self-Hypnosis will allow you to cross home-plate very frequently, but it would be considered an error if you missed the other bases.

These tools allow your brain waves to slow to the alpha level. This is where your right and left brain work best together. It is also where the door to the subconscious mind is located, a perfect place for practicing Interactive Self-Hypnosis.

As you bring Awareness Meditation Banking into your day through the fractionation method, you will be setting the stage for programming goal pictures with Interactive Self-Hypnosis. At the end of each fractionation, with your eyes still tilted up about 20 degrees, image an "end goal picture" on the upper and outer movie screen. Make it in vivid color, bringing in as many details as possible. Bring it in closer and make it bigger just as if it were very near to you. Admire it for a moment. If you would like to make a video goal, please go ahead and do so. 

Always make certain it is in the "end-goal state." For example, if your goal is to be free of anxiety-stress-panic in a particular area of your life, see yourself happy and relaxed doing whatever it is that you want. It is also good practice to enhance your performance in this area. Do not be afraid to make it great! Your subconscious mind will program to your level of expectation. Program for greatness and receive greatness! Now simply open your eyes and go on with your day. The program has been placed.

When applying Awareness Meditation into your daily life, each moment you catch an emotional state or thought pattern that is not beneficial, or any other awareness, simply stop your mindbody for a moment as you learned on your audio program, breathe from center, and with your eyes tilted up just slightly, bring forth a desired end-goal image related to the negative-based moment. 

For example, if you are about to make a presentation and you notice you are having run-away brain syndrome, a state of rapid thoughts accompanied by a wide range of body communications, simply stop right then and there. Breathe from center, tilt your eyes up just a bit, especially if you are in front of others, so as to not draw attention to yourself, and see yourself completely relaxed and enjoying presenting the materials, and then move the goal picture on a bit and see yourself finished, with the audience applauding loudly.

Interactive Self-Hypnosis can be utilized in hundreds of creative ways. In the Inner Coach part of this program, you will be practicing many of these. Each moment holds opportunities for practice and for re-programming the subconscious mind. As we begin to understand the "waiting power" of our subconscious mind, we can become overwhelmed. It is a good idea to set some goals for your inner programming. 

For example, you might request the subconscious librarian to make you aware of low-level or pre-happenings/ approaches you your sugar addiction behaviors. As you "key" into these, you will be able to diminish them right in the moment, and then re-program your inner files related to these behaviors. You are stopping something before it gets out of control for you. If you have any particular triggers, you might want to request changing your inner files in regard to these. 

For instance, if your reactions to certain people's behaviors tend to make you tense, you might want to be more aware of these, and then work with diminishing and/or re-programming. One does not need to be in a deep trance state to do this work. You can do all of it "right in the moment" if you like. If you happen to have a lot of issues around a particular individual or experience, the Interactive Self-Hypnosis Workshop Audio Program will give you a format for working on these at deeper levels.

© 2002 Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht.  May not be copied or reproduced without permission of author.