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Best of RHF: Classic Jokes
Best of RHF: Classic Jokes
This page contains direct links to the best jokes from the early years
of rec.humor.funny. Enjoy them, but
don't read them all at once.
Visit the Home Page for more jokes, or
topic index page for other subjects.
Be warned that this is not a joke collection for children. If you
are under 18, check with your parents before browsing these jokes.
Joka-Cola ClassicJoka-Cola Classic
This chapter contains real ``oldies.'' These are well known jokes
that were not published in Rec.Humor.Funny because I judged them to be
too well known. Of course, for every well known joke, there are still
lots of people who haven't heard them, so I present them for you here.
You will probably find one or two that you haven't seen, and they may
make reading this section well worth your time. Some advance readers
have said they knew hardly any of these. Nobody (except me) knew them
Again, beware of swear words and explicit sexual references. They're in
Wicked Wanda (Sigrid Grimm) sexual
Holy Matrimony (Unknown) sidesplit, sick
Baptists and Sex (jailbird@ihlpm.UUCP) sexual
The old Beer > Women bit ( sexual, sexual stereotypes
Facts of Life (Roger Pick) sexual
The New Priest (Anonymous)
Coffee, tea, or... (Dave Anderson) sexual
Light Bulb Jokes (Kurt Guntheroth) offensive to hundreds of stereotypes, funny
Canoe Canoe? (roller@hocpa.UUCP) swearing
Life, don't talk to me about life (Susan Hammond)
The Pope and the Colonel (James T. Perkins)
Contractors (Aaron Cohen) stereotypes
Putting Descartes Before the Horse (Jenine Abarbanel)
Naming Your Dog (E. G. Nadhan) sexual
All about the F-word (barry@elk.UUCP) swearing, swearing
Quadruple Amputee joke (Pete Granger) sexual, swearing
Little green men (Stephen V. Boyle) sexual
Where y'all from? (David Stein) offense=Georgians
Three Nuns and St. Peter (Kirt Winter) sexual
Bad dandruff pun (Andrew Scott) sexual
Punishing the rabbi (Eric, Maynard, Ma.)
Horse at bar joke (tracer@stb.UUCP) sexual
Ivy League Joke (Harold Pomeranz) sexual
Jewish Women/Catholic Women (jailbird@ihlpm.UUCP) sexual, stereotypes
Chocolate Ice Cream (R Scott V Paterson) swearing
Philosophy in the john (Jeff Hartung)
Men in the John (Edward Danner) bathroom
How to tell a Polish Joke (Lee Choquette) national stereotype, offense=poles
Lone Ranger joke (Larry Blair) sexual
Anti-feminist joke (Anonymous) sexual
Doctor joke (Christopher DeVita) scatological
River cruises (
How to survive as a rooster (Mark Noworolski) sexual
Old joke, but still funny (Laurence R. Brothers) sexual, swearing
Getting stoned. (Daniel J. Salomon) sacrilege
Up High (H. B. Siegel) swearing
Superman-WonderWoman Joke (Joe Dakes) sexual
Bangety Bang Bang (Ronald J Wanttaja)
Good Day for Sales (Jeffrey D Fadden) sexual, national stereotype, offense=poles
Real Life Humor (John E. Langbein)
Property Dispute (rnelson@UNCAEDU.BITnet) sexual
God Bless them all (Bob Jordan Esq.) sexual, funny
A safe bet (gal@atux01.UUCP) chuckle
The blind rabbit and the blind snake (Deborah J. Graham) smirk
It's all in your mind (Jim Horne) chuckle, offense=catholics
Eskimo wanna-be (Craig Deforest) sexual, chuckle
New diet plan (PELLOUCHOUD PHILIP M) sexual, chuckle
Prayers are answered? (The Wombat of Love) chuckle
Where there's a will (Mike Sonnier) chuckle
Wanted: Good Lover (tneale@aeras.UUCP) sexual, funny
How to kill a South Dakota eel (Cliff Yamamoto) sexual, chuckle
The Austrian Engineer (Stephen King) funny
Shortening your sentences (krishna nareddy) sexual, smirk
The Heavenly Doctor (Paul Blumstein) chuckle, sacrilidge
Bull's eye (SG Ana Amarel) chuckle
Heaven and Hell (Kevin Summers) funny
No room at the inn? (mcmiller@uokmax.UUCP) chuckle, offense=Christians
No cover charge (Fearless Leader) sexual, funny
Another ethnic joke for poor Brad (Allan Pratt) chuckle
Death in the army (Duhh Major) chuckle
Moses and Jesus play golf (Mike Seibel) chuckle
Claude Pepper (Martin Hardee) true, chuckle
Calling home (JAM) funny
Biology in an Irish High School (Dave Vollman) sexual, chuckle
Heaven is Heaven (Stuart Freedman) sexual, chuckle
Unified Field Theory (Tony Nardo) science, chuckle
Analysis of Sheep (Alan Craig) science, chuckle
It's not what you drive (Tarek M Sobh) sexual, chuckle
Moel's reward (Jeff Tye) sexual, funny
Qualifying Exam for Income Tax Form Designers (Randi Rost) funny
Some things are the same all over the world... (DEC Joke List) sexual, sexist, chuckle
A nice planter (Chris Landry DTN 227-3671) sexual, chuckle
God goes visiting (Denny Kolb) blasphemy, chuckle
What's the difference? (Steve Clark) sexual, funny

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