Student Art kit
Class, It was great spending time with you
Hawaiian Art Gallery and Studio of Award Hawaii Artist Donald K. Hall
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Water Color Starter Kit Class Special item list
1. Grumbacher Academy Water Color
chart with SKU numbers and characteristics of colors.
2. Three Primary Colors Systems Chart, Double-Primaries
Pallet Chart, Color Fundamentals Chart, Color Temperature Chart, Color Mixing
Chart, Class water color blends chart.
3. two-Strathmore Imperial 8"x 6" 140 lb. Water color
Paper, I use the 22"x 30" sheets and cut down to size, one-Crescent Rag
Matt 8"x 6" #1153 comes in 32"x 40" sheets, one-Crescent All Media Board,
Hot Press #20, 8"x 6". 2- Strathmore water color Test stripes remember always
test your new colors on the new paper
4. One only- 10 well Plastic Pallet, (use the middle to add special colors, to
small for mixing)
5. Set of 4 Brushes "Synthetic Sable" ( use the largest brush possible for the
6. one- 2- HB Pencil "don't use the eraser" (remember the soft eraser you used
in class)
7. Two lesson starts
8. Nine tubes Grumbacher water Color Paint 7.5 ml size in the following colors
Chinese White A043
(30) Sap Green A187
(09) Lemon Yellow A118 (12)
Alizarin Orange A005
(48) Cad Yellow pale A036 (48) Cad yellow
Med A034
(06) Cad Red Med A029 (31) Thalo Blue A203
(25) Indigo A112
Additional paint colors are recommenced to complete your
assortment and will be of great value for seascapes, water and fill in your
color wheel
(14) Cerulean Blue A039
(36) Thalo Green A205
(29) Ultramarine Blue A219
(37) Alizarin Crimson A001
additional paint for landscapes
(02) Burnt Sienna A023 (21)
Indian Red A110
additional paint for flowers
(20) Thalo Crimson A204
(39) Thalo
Violet A229
Donald K. Hall
91-526 Kuhialoko Street
Ewa Beach Hawaii 96706-4518
Phone; 808 685-5593
Web site; or Key words; Hawaiian
Red indicates where the color is on the Color Identification Wheel
All Sales are in US dollars
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International customers will be charge the actual shipping cost. We will e-mail total amount before we ship. $100.00 or more Shipping is Free.
Not all items are available at all times, please e-mail if you wish availability of items or have a question
All information is Copyright © 1997/2004 by
Hawaiian Art Gallery and Studio of Hawaii Artist Donald K.