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Mind Muddles & Goal Achieving

Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht
President & Program Designer
Sarasota Medical & Sports Hypnosis Institute

 I'd like to get into some areas of "power thinking" & mapping the route to high level performance, no matter where that performance is located.  It can be in any area of your life....or in many areas.  That is all up to you.
Most of us tend to be caught in the middle of life's muddle & unless we have specific inner-imagery tools, we tend to stay stuck OR we may make a side-step BUT unless the side-step procedure is well-etched in the mind, the tendency will be to go back ( and often quickly) to the muddle.  Practice some disassociation & observe yourself well.... can you see or sense the muddle?  Have you side-stepped today?  What happened? 
When goals are in their early state of development or are not well-etched into the subconscious mind, they tend to elude.  We might call this procrastination.  If we look closely, we can sense the pulling away from the goal-core.  We may feel the opposite & sense not being able to get into the goal.  This is called resistance.  We may truly want the goal, but for some reason resist going towards it or directly into it.
Imagery or "interactive self-hypnosis" allows us to "see/sense the muddle" & then to latch onto a "sector of the goal-core."  For most of us the goal is too big or not well-defined.  It is next to impossible to latch on to a goal that is not clear through at least one of our senses.  We tend to have "goal thoughts" but that is not the same as "sensory goals."  The subconscious mind needs very detailed, sensory-filled definitions to bring in the ideal goal state.  We can work on some of that here.
It's important to remember that the mind works backwards.  Once it senses the ideal completed image, the subconscious mind will go ahead & lay the ground work.  In other words, the goal seemingly takes on a life of it's own. 
The first thing we want to do is to see/sense the goal completed in the mind's eye or as I call it, the theater of the mind. 
Some of us have difficulty imaging through visualization.  All that means is that your "visual intelligence" isn't your favorite.  Perhaps you prefer working with your other senses.  That is perfectly fine, although it is a good idea to build up all sensory intelligences.  If you work with CD, your favorite sensory intelligence will simply jump to the front of the line.  That's why CD's work very well.  In fact, I've posted a full self-hypnosis session for Heightened Awarenss.  You can download it free of charge from my website.  I hope to post a different session each week so you can get some idea of how I design this type of work.
Keep in mind that when we sense our goal-image it is just like being in the inner theater & observing the goal on stage just as if you were watching the performance.  Think of it as a story-line.... Be sure to relax deeply before entering the mind theater, so you won't have so much "thought interruption."  If you like, journal it out.  I tend to prefer this myself.  Write it "as if" you were reporting on seeing the "performance."  I like to image myself as the writer/director/producer of the goal performance.  I may even place myself right into the image of the person playing me in the goal performance.  This allows me to really experience what this is all truly SENSE it. 
Focus on getting all the details & then journal these.  I suggest you work daily on goal description, just as if you were a painter going back & enhancing your work.  Never mind the excuse that you don't have time for all of this.  This is goal-planning & if you want the goal or outcome, you absolutely must do this work.......& do a good job at it.

© 2004    Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht   May be copied for personal use, but not re-produced without permission of the author.


Mind Adventures...
Walking & Working Through Old Failures

Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht
President & Program Designer
Sarasota Medical & Sports Hypnosis Institute

We are on a step by step adventure from choosing a goal to the actual acquisition of that goal.  As we work with each goal in our lives, we begin to experience changes all around us.  Some have to do with the goals at hand, but other changes are "subconscious mind spin-offs".  This is how the mind works.  Once the wheels begin rolling, activity & change can be seen in all areas of life.  I do encourage you to work with CD's, a journal & goal folders.  The better your inner & outer organization, the faster your goals can & will mature.

Most of us balk or even hide past failures.  Don't do it !!  These are very valuable & so it is  important to learn to benefit from these.  Keep in mind that if you have failed at a particular goal or facet of a goal before, you do know how to do that.  That in itself is valuable knowing.  The particular mind file that has to do with this experience is filled with lots of information that can be utilized for your success.  When working anew, it's important to make certain that your subconscious mind librarian knows that you are not on the "same failure track".  That's why it is a good idea to work this goal in interactive self-hypnosis.  

It's easy to enter a trance state. We all do so hundreds of times a day.  It's called daydreaming.  This time you will daydream purposefully & enter to do specific goal work.  Ask your subconscious mind to send you the past file related to this goal.  Now go ahead & review the file, making editing changes throughout.  When you have completed this work, give the edited version back to the librarian.  It's important to know that whenever you edit old files, the newer version is placed in your subconscious mind library.  You will find yourself very aware of stepping back from old actions/behaviors/emotions that "didn't work".  You will certainly know that your subconscious mind is busy alerting you to change directions.

© 2004    Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht   May be copied for personal use, but not re-produced without permission of the author.

Developing Your Inner Coach

Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht
President & Program Designer
Sarasota Medical & Sports Hypnosis Institute

I'm going to talk to you today about developing your own "Inner Coach."  This is the inner part of you that will assist & motivate you throughout the rest of your long as you call on it.
Achieving a major lifestyle change is like a good old fashioned rope tug.  While a piece of rope doesn't hold much interest for most of us, rock climbers would certainly disagree, as it is their lifeline & yours as well.  The rope is an excellent metaphor for the work you are doing here & I'm sure you'll agree that it does take a lot of personal power to pull lifestyle change permanently into your life.
Part of me has always fantasized about having my own private coach, someone who would tell me exactly what I should do to achieve my goals, motivate me, taking me down the "Goal-den path" to high achievement of some sort.  The kind, loving coach was part of a multitude of glorious images, of course always including everything I desired at the end of a ranbow. careful what you wish for !!!  
I got my wish when I was about fifteen.  I joined the roller skating club & Phil Pinto was assigned to be my coach.  He was nothing I imagined & there were no rainbows, at least not then.  His job was to take my focus away from my bruised knees in order to keep me skating when I really wanted to give up & go home.  It was years before I really liked him, much less admired him.  I don't think I fully appreciated his attempts at teaching me self-discipline until I was an adult.

Look back into your own lives & bring up memories of POSITIVE role models who helped to form your current self-discipline.  Perhaps you have many or perhaps you have few.  Even though your mentor may have been "difficult" or "challenging" as Phil was for me, look closely at that individual & decide if they were a powerful influence.  Ask yourself IF you were to meet them today........would you thank them?  And, what specifically would you thank them for?  This will help you to know who & what was truly valuable.  Whenever we remember in this way, we bring the memories forward, as well as "re-etching" the particulars into our subconscious mind.  Since we are discussing "past happenings", do know that we all have/had individuals in our life who simply weren't well-meaning & it is time to let them go........  for often these individuals or the memories of these individuals can BLOCK our desire for self-discipline.  

Our inner coach will be a composite of the positive characteristics of many individuals who have touched our past, as well as others we might have observed.  We do not need to know these individuals personally.  Just having admired them & the characteristics they represent make them eligible to be a part of our inner coaching system.  It's important to take time with this part of our work.  It took me over three weeks to build my own inner coach & to this very day I keep adding additional characteristics.  Keep in mind that each time something new is added or updated, the subconscious mind makes note of this & re-etches.  

I suggest you keep a section of your journal for building your inner coaching system.  This type of journaling opens the mind to locate even more opportunities for self-growth. 

© 2004    Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht   May be copied for personal use, but not re-produced without permission of the author.

Moving Past Resistance & Opening to Suggestion

Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht
President & Program Designer
Sarasota Medical & Sports Hypnosis Institute

I enjoy receiving questions from members of our discussion groups or from visitors to our websites.  These are great jumping off places for teaching interactive self-hypnotic tools & techniques.  If you have a question, please send it along.   Questions

Question:  I have had some good results with meditation but have been
encountering some brutally severe resistance (borderline panic at times and a dread
for the process) despite that once I enter a meditative state I am fine.

Answer:  The severe resistance are stressors asking to be identified & to be released.
They cannot be released UNTIL they are noticed.  The noticing is the first step in the release mechanism. Some are thoughts, others are heightened emotions & of course, the corresponding body sensations.  So, the release mechanism is as follows:

1. Noticing & labeling if possible
2. Returning to the breath
3. Deepening

It seems that you have clumped the resistance into one group & have backed off.  And so, you are becoming more reluctant to become involved with the process.  The good news is that the presenting resistance can be utilized to DEEPEN the trance & also open the creative process.

All "sensing" of the body communications can be utilized to assist in emotional/physical release plus has the added advantage of giving the a "space" for new programming.  So, Interactive Self-Hypnosis is a combination of meditation, heightened awareness & inner programming.  Resistance is the act of tightening.......physically & emotionally. 

The following CD's are designed to heighten awareness & release........

1. Managing Thoughts
2. Managing Emotions
3. Awareness
4. Beliefs - helps to identify the connecting emotions from the past "path"

It does help to work with professional tools, especially if you are new to the practice of self-hypnosis.  We tend to get tied up "in the process" & this actually can lead to more resistance.  When listing to professional CD or audio work, you are freeing yourself up to the process.  It's also important to understand that you have to develop your own "images & mind tools"........ these will arise once you get out of your own way. 

© 2004    Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht   May be copied for personal use, but not re-produced without permission of the author.

Addictive, Obsessive & Compulsive Behavior Management 

Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht
President & Program Designer
Sarasota Medical & Sports Hypnosis Institute

Interactive self-hypnosis is a powerful tool in managing addictive/compulsive/obsessive behaviors & resulting outcomes .  There are several reasons for this.  First, the actual practice of interactive self-hypnosis changes the body chemistry......and right in the moment.  While this is important, it is actually MORE important to keep the stress levels under control throughout the day.  Of course we can't always change our outer stressors BUT we can certainly change the way we RESPOND to outer stressors.  This is accomplished through diminishing stress chemical production & storage. 

The tools utilized are a combination of Heightened Awareness, Meditation/Mental Biofeedback/Letting Go & Interactive Self-Hypnotic Imagery.  I call the "management tool group" .......fractionation.  This means that we break our day into sections & build a self-discipline for releasing or sitting "quietly" for 2-5 minutes.  Of course one can sit longer, but it really isn't necessary. What is important, however, is to develop a plan or discipline for remembering & then acting.  An additional benefit to the discipline is that the mind & body
will adjust the regular expected tension DOWNWARD.  You will feel the inner calmness & control, almost immediately.

As one sits with fractionation, one can notice the workings of the mind & body.  Thoughts come to play in the theater of the mind. Body sensations scream out or whisper below the surface.........perhaps some that were completely unnoticed before.  Sitting quietly DOES NOT MEAN that the inner communication is quiet!  It simply means that you are free to observe it.  The observation is an integral part of the releasing mechanism.

It is very important to understand your "inner workings" for then you are in position to change these, both in the moment, as well as "mind-editing" your past experiences & "future pacing" those to come.

The following CD's are designed to heighten awareness & release........

1. Managing Thoughts
2. Managing Emotions
3. Awareness
4. Beliefs - helps to identify the connecting emotions from the past "path"
5. Specific programs to stop Compulsive Eating, Emotional Eating, Stop Smoking, Reduce 
    Alcohol, etc.

2004    Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht   May be copied for personal use, but not re-produced without permission of the author.

Releasing Anger with Interactive Self-Hypnosis

Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht
President & Program Designer
Sarasota Medical & Sports Hypnosis Institute

I enjoy receiving questions from members of our discussion groups or from visitors to our websites.  These are great jumping off places for teaching interactive self-hypnotic tools & techniques.  If you have a question, please send it along.   Questions

Question:  I now find that I need to do something about my anger and how I behave when I'm angry. Is it possible for me to make changes using self hypnosis techniques?

Self-hypnosis & especially "Interactive Self-Hypnosis" are valuable tools for managing emotions both big & small....  As one learns to work with their subconscious mind, they are able to see the patterns as well as what precipitated them & perhaps more importantly, what "old baggage" they are connected to.  Getting rid of "old baggage" hypnotically is rather like "emotional surgery."  It may hurt in the early "post-op days", but the pain diminishes & one can sense the freedom from the underlying trigger.  One can actually become excited & motivated to remove the baggage...........& this is true emotional healing & management. 

In self-hypnosis we work with specific images & become involved in locating the "scenes" that precipitated the particular emotion we are looking to manage..........& while we may be looking for one, another may surprise us by appearing alongside.  Once we sense the arrival of the emotion & feel the chemical body responses, Interactive Self-hypnosis allows us to "disconnect or disassociate" from the emotion & to begin the healing process through a set of images or mind instructions. 
I have quite a few programs on my website that teach this...........some CD suggestions would be:

1. Managing Thoughts
2. Managing Emotions
3. Awareness
4. Beliefs - helps to identify the connecting emotions from the past "path"


© 2004    Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht   May be copied for personal use, but not re-produced without permission of the author.

Breaking the Sugar Addiction Habit

Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht
President & Program Designer
Sarasota Medical & Sports Hypnosis Institute

I enjoy receiving questions from members of our discussion groups or from visitors to our websites.  These are great jumping off places for teaching interactive self-hypnotic tools & techniques.  If you have a question, please send it along.   Questions

Question: was wondering whether anyone has had success in breaking a sugar addiction and the method that worked best (special diet, vitamins, willpower etc.). Also, how does it feel physiologically after breaking the sugar habit?
Your question is a very good one.... I can answer for myself & for many of my patients over the many years I've been doing sugar addiction work.  
Words are very important & when you ask about "breaking a sugar addiction", I'm not completely certain what you mean at gut level. The truth of the matter is that we learn to manage the addiction & it becomes easier "most of the time."   It feels great.........both in mind & body.  Actually, the "management" also feels great.  Most addicted people feel like the addiction owns them or manages them instead of the other way around.  So of course it feels absolutely wonderful to experience self-control. 
Back to words again.......will-power..... hmmmm.....this means struggle to me & when one experiences self-control or self-management, this is just not the same.  One learns the tools to make self-management rather effortless.....most of the time.  Of course, life happens & if one is not working well with the tools of self-management, then one steps into difficulties & may slip & fall.  But even then, once the self awakens, the desire to go back to "effortless self-management" is very enticing. 
The way to manage sugar addiction is through the following:
1.  Education & self-insight
2.  Self-assessment & a good plan to meet the specific needs of the  
     body & of the mind.
3. The plan includes high level nutrition, management of emotions &
    thoughts, as well as old beliefs & past failure experiences.
4. The continual feeding of positive emotions & motivation to stay on the
    healthy path.
Some individuals need supplements & vitamins BUT first the nutrition needs to be sorted out & the body must be given what it needs.  After this, then the foods/beverages that are problematic can be removed or managed with special tools such as interactive self-hypnotic imagery.  Many people make the big mistake of thinking they can just swallow a few pills & have the problem of sugar addiction abate.  Nice try,  but not so. 
So, in a nutshell, managing sugar addiction is a day to day thing....  my book, Sugar - the Hidden Eating Disorder & How to Lick   will help you to pull your plan together & to keep you in self-motivation.

© 2004    Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht   May be copied for personal use, but not re-produced without permission of the author.

Losing Weight? 
The Need to Manage...

Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht
President & Program Designer
Sarasota Medical & Sports Hypnosis Institute

I thought I'd address the subjects of losing weight, as well as managing weight.  The choice of words are so very important in how we address these special need areas.  ALL OF US must manage our weight........and some of us need to manage WEIGHT LOSS. 
Management is the KEY work.  Just how well are you managing this particular department?  Yesterday I had four new patients in my office, all looking to lose weight.  All were in POOR MANAGEMENT.  When I work with a patient in my office or with someone online, I have to find out EXACTLY how they are managing.  The keys to losing or maintaining healthy weight are located in their "personal management report!"
It never ceases to amaze me how people view this business of "management."  Each patient from yesterday reported a "complete lack of planning."  One patient giggled as she told me that she get involved in "planning."  Truth be known, by NOT planning, she is indeed planning.  She is already 58% body fat with a rather small lean body mass & because she is tall - 5'8" - she is in a very precarious position. 
Let's go back to this idea of "planning."  As I explained to her, like everything else, there are many levels to planning.  Once can plan out a menu for each me that is heavy duty planning OR one can simply make certain that a good choice of necessary foods for all meals are purchased each week.  If one has a busy schedule one can decide to cook some protein choices on the weekend.  These can be simple or complicated.  I usually opt for simple.  I always prepare two different things for lunch & dinner & make enough for two nights.  Then I can just add a grain or root vegetable & salad.  THIS IS PLANNING.
If their is a need to lose weight, one must know how to go about doing this & of course, this takes some level of planning.  If you don't do this you can plan on gaining more weight, usually in the form of body fat.  Do know that when you do this that your lean body mass will pay the price.  When the body fat percentage is UP, the lean body mass is DOWN.
If you have a healthy lean body mass & body fat percentage, you still have to MANAGE it.  This takes a level of planning.  There is no escape.  This is a matter of self-responsibility & of course, the desire to have positive experiences in the NOW & in the FUTURE.  Not planning is gambling with your life & your experiences, because you will have them.  You actually choose these EACH TIME you put something in your mouth.  The body records everything & there is no escape from the internal calculations.  They either lead towards a STATISTIC or away from a statistic.  It's up to you.   

Yesterday I found myself amazed, once again, about the lightness that was applied to this business of "not planning."  If you enjoy being completely spontaneous & not planning, certainly do this in OTHER areas of your life & not in your nutrition.  Its certainly fine to be open about what's for dinner, etc., as long as you know to provide what your body needs.  This is liberal management, BUT it is management !

All the CD's in our collection plant suggestions for managing your weight.  Once these programs are etched into the subconscious mind it becomes easier to complete these things each & every day.  Have a look at our choices....  

© 2004    Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht   May be copied for personal use, but not re-produced without permission of the author.

Training Your Brain is Smart...

Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht
President & Program Designer
Sarasota Medical & Sports Hypnosis Institute

The body communicates with us through our body feelings or sensations.  Whenever we feel tension, that is an attempt of the body to let us know it is under physical stress.  Most of us never pay attention.  However, we begin complaining once the sensations begin screaming at us in the form of neck spasms, backache, indigestion, heart palpitations, dizziness & headaches.  

By this time the stress chemicals in the body are very high & seriously interfering with our ability to function on all levels.  We can learn to manage our mind body connection by learning various techniques that retrain the brain to release the stress chemicals at lower levels.  This is subconscious mindbody work.

Interactive Self-Hypnosis© is a variety of techniques that put the individual in charge of managing his or her own body chemistry.  We can  teach our brain to be aware & release low level stressors automatically.  The brain becomes an excellent employee, doing it's job for us.  We can also train the brain to notice & release negative-chemical-producing-thoughts & emotions that appear & that are not currently needed.  These techniques are very powerful, allowing the mind to clear itself  & to be available for the work at hand.

These "brain training tools" have been utilized by top athletes, executives & those interested in accelerated learning.  In addition, these are useful to those suffering from anxiety, panic, depression, sleep disorders, poor concentration, memory & pain have what is known as "run away brain syndrome.  Here the mind is continuously  running all by itself with no guidance or direction.  This condition produces a high level of stress chemicals & the individual in this state has little chance of moving towards a focused goal.  These individuals are caught in the stress cycle & begin producing even more stress.  To make matters worse, the subconscious mind sees this syndrome "as the goal" & actually works to make certain that the syndrome continues.

Anyone can learn self-hypnosis as it is a natural process.  When one learns to relax very deeply utilizing special techniques & then introduces personalized metaphors, the subconscious mind accepts these new programs as "real".  Interactive self-hypnosis utilized sensory imaging techniques to move one past obstacles or the perceived problem & on to greener pastures.

We know that 60-90 per cent of disease processes are stress-related.  By learning to manage anxiety & panic holistically, one has the power to move the mind & body away from illness & towards high level health.  So, we could say that 60-90% of all health outcomes are up to the individual.

All the CD programs we design focus on managing the mind & body connection while programming the mind for special goals.  You might like to experience our complimentary downloads & explore this process right online.

© 2004    Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht   May be copied for personal use, but not re-produced without permission of the author.