irritable bowel syndrome treatmentIrritable bowel syndrome sufferers - welcome! This is the place to find out about the therapies and medications which can make our lives easier. I decided to set this site up because there are so many different approaches to treating irritable bowel syndrome that it can be a bit bewildering. Hopefully if we can gather all the information on irritable bowel syndrome treatments in one place, with opinions from real IBS sufferers, we can all help each other. All the information on this site has been contributed by irritable bowel syndrome sufferers who know what it is like to deal with the diarrhea, constipation, pain and bloating of IBS. There will also be updates on any new treatments that are released, such as the new drug Cilansetron for diarrhea. The information covers the following products and therapies:
If you have found a particularly helpful treatment for your IBS, or even a product that was useless, then please do share your experiences with this site. Your comments can be as short or as detailed as you would like - as long as they might be helpful to another irritable bowel syndrome sufferer, we'll print them! If you are new to IBS then there is a guide to the basic irritable bowel syndrome symptoms. Please note: this site is designed to be a place to swap ideas and advice about irritable bowel syndrome treatments, but it does NOT offer medical advice. It it is vital to have your symptoms diagnosed as IBS before trying any form of self-help, and remember that what works for one IBS sufferer may not work for you. You can also read the full disclaimer. This site is maintained by Sophie, who has had IBS for 15 years and lives in the UK. To contact Sophie send an email to sophie@ibstales.com
What's new?If you can help by writing about the IBS treatment that works for you I would love to hear from you! Just fill in the online form to share your thoughts. Or, send an email to sophie@ibstales.com
29 January 2005 There's a new page for natural and home remedies and pages on the laxatives milk of magnesia and exlax. 26 January 2005 There is a new page on aromatherapy today. 25 January 2005 There are new pages today on flaxseed, reflexology and colon hydrotherapy. 23 January 2005 Added a new review to the Lotronex page. 22 January 2005 Added new pages on the fiber supplement Benefiber and the heartburn medication Prevacid.