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Easter Island Postcards and Picture Gallery
- William Hodges, an artist who
accompanied Captain Cook to Easter Island in 1774,
- made these sketches of the local
people. The man above wore a head-dress of grass and
- feathers while the woman below wore a
straw bonnet to protect her from the sun.
- Both the man and the woman used
perforation to elongate their earlobes.
- Right: The statue at Ahu Tahai has
been restored and features the whitened eyes
- with which the completed moai were
originally decorated. This moai is believed to
- be the oldest on the island dating
back to AD 690
- A member of the 1914 expedition led
- Katharine Routledge poses next to
one of the island's moai
- Moai lie scattered along the quarry
- Some lie on their backs, still
tethered to the mountain by stone keels
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5th May