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 Breeds or Riding Disciplines and their Main Index/search Pages and shows by State pages:

American Saddlebred Horse Shows
American Saddlebred Horse Shows Indiana   American Saddlebred Horse Shows North Carolina
Saddlebred Horse Shows New York   Saddlebred  Horse Shows Ohio  
American Saddlebred Horse Shows Pennsylvania
Saddlebred Horse Showss Texas   Saddlebred Horse Shows West Virginia 
American Saddlebred Horse Shows National Associations   

Arabian Horse Shows   Arabian Horse Shows Ohio  Arabian Horse Shows West Virginia
Appaloosa Horse Shows

Friesian Horse Shows    Friesian Horse Shows Indiana
Friesian Horse Shows New York   Friesian Horse Shows Pennsylvania

Hackney Pony Horse Shows   Hackney Pony Horse Shows Indiana
Hackney Pony Shows Kentucky   Hackney Pony Shows New York 
Hackney Pony Horse Shows North Carolina     Hackney Pony Horse Shows Ohio  
Hackney Pony Shows Pennsylvania  Hackney Pony Shows West Virginia
Hackney Pony Horse Shows National Associations

Hackney Horse Shows    Hackney Horse Shows Indiana
Hackney Horse Shows North Carolina  Hackney Horse Shows Pennsylvania

Hunter Jumper Horse Shows  Hunter Jumper Horse Shows Ohio
Hunter Jumper Horse Shows Pennsylvania   Hunter Jumper Shows West Virginia

Morgan Horse Shows   Morgan Horse Shows Indiana   Morgan Horse Shows Massachusetts
Morgan Horse Shows New York    Morgan Horse Shows Ohio   Morgan Horse Shows West Virginia
Morgan Horse Shows National  Associations

National Show Horse Shows
American Paint Horse Shows
Quarter Horse Shows

Roadster Horse Shows    Roadster Horse Shows Indiana   Roadster Horses Shows Kentucky
Roadster Horse Shows New York   Roadster Horse Shows North Carolina   Roadster Horse Shows Ohio  
Roadster Horse Shows Pennsylvania    Roadster Horse Shows Texas

Tennessee Walking Horse Shows

The links above are the main search pages for each specific breed or discipline and are the pages from which to locate events pertaining to that breed according to month, or time of month, or the state in the country in which the event is held.  The above links will also assist you in locating listings of associations across the country, their point systems and news.   Additional "main pages" will be added as we grow.  At the top of this page, you will find links to show results and news  as well as a many-breed Discussion Forum.  Thank you for visiting !  It is our wish to provide complete listings of equine events within the United States, and allow these events to place before you any information concerning themselves that will assist you in determining the value of participating in these shows and to keep abreast of all news and happenings, as well as show results. We also wish to serve as a connection point through which shows and the people who provide the services for such events become more aware of each other.  The menu boxes at the top of this page offer three sub-divisions of this site. One - lists "open" equine shows by breed or riding discipline.  The second - lists equine associations and their year-end point system events.  The third - lists the services, across the country, of those who perform the jobs that make events happen.

The impact of the horse industry goes well beyond economics and money to provide benefits to our
national society as a whole, such as building a solid foundation for youth, mental and physical therapy and most of all enabling the horse to serve as a wonderful model for us all. Fortunately, today, the horse's role in American society is different than it was in the 19th and early 20th centuries. Due to the horse owners' dedicated commitment, horses today enjoy a higher standard of living, productivity and quality but they return this favor many-fold.

If we look at the impact of direct goods and services within our various horse industries, it certainly is ahead of industries that you would think are major impacts in our society. It's higher than motion picture making !, The contribution of our horse industry is only slightly behind such things as radio and television broadcasting, petroleum and coal, and our metals industry.

The social impact of horses is tremendous. There are many sanctioned horse shows in the nation annually. Over a quarter of a million young people participate in 4-H programs and pony clubs across the country and horses serve people with various disabilities through therapeutic riding. Add to all of this, that quote - “ There is something about the outside of a horse, that is good for the inside of a man".

Horses provide a wonderful opportunity for an enhanced quality of life. Visit our sister site for Equine Sculpture Art Gifts Trophy Awards -